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An Evangelist Missionary Advocates Pacifism for Christians after One Conversation Altered His Worldview
Aaron D. Taylor -- Evangelical Peace Advocate Aaron D. Taylor -- Evangelical Peace Advocate
Farmington, NM
Friday, August 7, 2009

Alone with a Jihadist by Aaron D. Taylor
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Aaron D. Taylor Uses His New Release to

Provoke Discussion about World Politics and Holy Wars

Farmington, MI –  Aaron D. Taylor was raised in a charismatic church in

the suburbs of St. Louis. Although he grew up with the conviction that the Christian

faith should always be spread through peaceful means, he never seriously questioned

the idea that God is the endorser of American wars. Upon graduation from high school,

Aaron began his travels across the globe as a missionary.

However, it was not until aconversation with a Christian-hating jihadist named Khalid nearly a decade later thatAaron had a moment that would revolutionize the way he approached the

Bible and his faith. In his new book, Alone with a Jihadist: A Biblical Response to Holy War

, Aaron explains his new outlook and his well-researched belief that

pacifism is the path to which Christians are called.

In 2006, Aaron was asked by a Hollywood production company representative to meet

with an outspoken jihadist in London to discuss their differing world view and

theologies. While approaching the conversation with the intention of converting Khalid

to the teachings of Jesus Christ, Aaron found his own views challenged when asked by

his assumed adversary how Biblical teachings should be implemented through the

functions and duties of government. After much soul searching, Aaron realized that

Christianity was not meant to be prescribed by any government regime, but instead was

the charge and message of individual followers
He returned to Scripture to study the

true intention for Christians and came to the conclusion that following a path of peace is

what all believers are commissioned to do.

Throughout Alone with a Jihadist: A Biblical Response to Holy War, Taylor uses

specific references to Scripture in developing his assertion that Christians should not

support military intervention or any means of violence as a way of solving earthly

disputes. He has reversed his previous position of support for armed American

intervention in the Middle East, and now states that people cannot be forced at gunpoint

to accept democracy and freedom. He also devotes a great deal of content in Alone with

a Jihadist: A Biblical Response to Holy War
to the notion of Zionist theology, which he

believes has erroneously cast an unfairly biased perspective on the long-standing

struggle that exists between Israelis and Palestinians. Aaron instead offers the

promotion of brotherhood and peaceful co-existence that was taught by Jesus Christ.

"Jesus made no attempt to use any form of domination or power to try to control other

people's behavior," shares Aaron Taylor. "By imposing our beliefs by force, or

supporting those who advocate this cause, we as Christians are trying to run the

kingdoms of this world instead of focusing on the Kingdom of God. Jesus chose to

suffer and die for his enemies, not retaliate against them."

Taylor hosted a book signing appearance to promote Alone with a Jihadist: A

Biblical Response to Holy War during the Book Expo of America and has received

rave reviews.

Alone with a Jihadist: A Biblical Response to Holy War by Aaron D. Taylor is being

published by Foghorn Publishers. The book will be available for general release on

October 2009.

To learn more about Aaron and his work, please visit his website at

www.AaronDTaylor.com and his blog at www.AaronDTaylor.blogspot.com.

News Media Interview Contact
Name: Aaron D. Taylor
Group: Great Commission Society
Dateline: Rio Rancho, NM United States
Direct Phone: 636-208-6828
Main Phone: (505) 867-6385
Cell Phone: (314) 609-5258
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