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3 Ways to Utilize Google Hangouts in Your Beauty Salon Business
Charlotte Howard Collins -- Heart Centered Women Publishing Charlotte Howard Collins -- Heart Centered Women Publishing
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Summerville, SC
Sunday, October 23, 2016


Check Out These 3 Ways to Utilize Google Hangouts in Your Beauty Salon Business

Google Hangouts were made to take advantage of the best of both video and social media, by creating a platform where you and your audience can interact and inform. Unlike most traditional webinar platforms it offers the advantage of being near immediate, very interactive, widely available and best of all free.

Hangouts are super easy to conduct, and once done they are immediately loaded to your YouTube Channel, allowing a seamless transition for you to be able to market with it.

Let’s take a look at 3 ways you can do just that!

Google Hangouts

3 Great Reasons to Incorporate Google Hangouts into your Beauty Salon Business

Great alternative to webinars – Small businesses often can’t afford the expense of using services like GoToWebinar, which can run you over of $500 a month if you have sizeable audiences. Hangouts are free, super easy to start, and don’t require an elaborate tech setup. What’s more, Google will record it all for you and send it to your YouTube account when you’re done. Hangouts are an effortless way to hold a “webinar” without worrying about the expense and expertise required of other platforms.

Give a glimpse into your business – Hangouts can be an easy way to show off your latest products, introduce new services, and generally give a look inside your business. Using hangouts for instruction and customer service are great ways to increase your brand authority and give customers top-notch service. This is especially valid if you use social media in conjunction with Hangouts to widen your reach.

Engagement and fast service – Hangouts work great for engaging with your audience, particularly a small one. Being virtually face to face with your audience is invaluable, and has a great many benefits with regards to your efforts to brand yourself in your chosen market. Hangouts also make it possible to be a participant in what is becoming known as Agile marketing, that is, the ability to quickly respond to trends and market events with answers and solutions. This type of ability on your part will resonate wide within your market.


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Name: Charlotte Howard Collins
Title: Award Winning Female Business Growth Expert
Group: Heart Centered Women Publishing
Dateline: Summerville, SC United States
Direct Phone: 843-376-9044
Main Phone: 843-376-9044
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