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Workplace Bullying: Tips to Creating Civility
Edie Raether Enterprises  and  Wings for Wishes Institute Edie Raether Enterprises and Wings for Wishes Institute
Charlotte, NC
Sunday, November 29, 2015


       Workplace Bullying: Creating Civility to Reap the Rewards of Respect

Workplace bullying is often hard to identify—and even harder to manage. It comes in many forms, occurs at every level, and often goes unnoticed and unaddressed until it leads to more devastating consequences. 

Three Steps for Prevention: 

SEE IT - Learn to identify what bullying is and is not and appropriate responses for all challenging workplace behaviors

CALL IT - Develop a positive, proactive protocol for establishing boundaries. Passivity is permission and contributes to the problem

STOP IT - Develop a comprehensive plan with clearly defined policies and procedures that are practiced and actively enforced.

Strategies for Creating Civility:  Checklist for an Ethical Culture

  • Managing Types of Anger: Cognitive vs. primal anger
  • Subtle Slurs: Verbal attacks, gossip, blame, sarcasm, sabotage and exclusion count
  • Power by Entitlement: Positions of power and  hierarchies that hurt and hinder others
  • Wounded Women: How all those targeted can overcome bad odds
  • No Rubber Rules: Consistency is credibility
  • A target's survival and recovery kit
  • Stand Up and Speak Out:  Converting bystanders to upstanders
  • Can You Afford It: Low morale, turnover, health issues and law suits are not cheap
  • Creating an Ethical Culture: Steps and strategies for a climate of civility 

Edie Raether is an internationwl business speaker and corporate trainer, executive coach and best selling author including a book, Stop Stop Bullying Now. Visit www.stopbullyingwithedie.com 


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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Edie Raether, MS, CSP
Title: CEO
Group: Edie Raether Enterprises and Wings for Wishes Institute
Dateline: Charlotte, NC United States
Direct Phone: (704)658-8997
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