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Connie Bennett From Connie Bennett, CHC, CPC, Sugar Freedom Coach, Author, Sugar Shock Book
Connie Bennett, CHC, CPC, Sugar Freedom Coach, Author, Sugar Shock Book Connie Bennett, CHC, CPC, Sugar Freedom Coach, Author, Sugar Shock Book
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: La Jolla, CA
Monday, November 16, 2015

Connie Bennett3 Simple Steps to Soar Through the Holidays & Not Pig OutDoes Halloween Trigger You?Your Halloween?Healthy Halloween TipsHalloween Used to Mean Candy Corn to Me7 Easy Ways to Face HalloweenSweet Liberty or Sugar Slavery?Self-Compassion Helps You Lose WeightHave You Seen Our Cartoons?

http://www.connie-bennett.com Sweet Liberator Wed, 04 Nov 2015 15:28:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://www.connie-bennett.com/3-simple-steps-to-soar-through-the-holidays/ http://www.connie-bennett.com/3-simple-steps-to-soar-through-the-holidays/#comments Wed, 04 Nov 2015 15:10:01 +0000 Connie Bennett http://www.connie-bennett.com/?p=5736 The Season of Sugar Overloading is now underway, kicked off, of course, by last week’s Day of Candy Pushing (i.e. Halloween).  People often ask me how I’ve been able to soar undaunted through 16 holidays — yes, I’ve stayed sugar-free (well, mostly) for sixteen years — which means that I’ve been able to feel energetic, […]

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]]>How to NOT Overeat This Season of Sugar Overloading

The Season of Sugar Overloading is now underway, kicked off, of course, by last week’s Day of Candy Pushing (i.e. Halloween).  People often ask me how I’ve been able to soar undaunted through 16 holidays — yes, I’ve stayed sugar-free (well, mostly) for sixteen years — which means that I’ve been able to feel energetic, focused and healthy. Plus, Crazy Cravings — as I call them just don’t bother me anymore. Today, I’ll share 3 Simple Steps to Soar through the Holidays so that you’ll discover How to NOT Overeat this Season of Sugar Overloading.

Flying Bird - John Cobb

To begin, let me reassure you that it can be very easy for you to Say No to sweets and other processed “treats” this holiday season so that you won’t gain weight, will have more energy, and be more cheerful.

1. Be Driven by Your Vision

The best way to Thrive and Not Overeat this Season of Sugar Overload is stay focused on your desired outcome. Would you like to easily turn down sugar-pushing relatives or friends, when they charmingly offer you once-tempting dessert foods or carbohydrate-rich snacks, which, you know — based on years’ past — can quickly lead you to overeat, gain weight, and feel sluggish? The way to eat cleanly sugar-free is to begin every day Driven by Your Vision. See that you’ve already succeeded. Would you like to lose 15 pounds in the next two months so that next year you’ll fit into your slim dress? Imagine that you’re already done it. Would you like to be mostly happy this holiday season (well, emergencies excluded)? Begin your morning by thinking about your wonderful outcome. Know that you’ve accomplished it. Then, throughout the day, whenever you’re tempted by sweets or other quickie-carb temptations, flip on your sweet, sugar-free vision.

The best way to Thrive and Not Overeat this Season of Sugar Overload is stay focused on your desired outcome.


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2. See the Opposite Outcome

The next Simple Step to Soar through the Holidays without overeating is to envision what could happen if you do partake of sweets or other processed “treats.” For many of you, taking even a small portion can lead to pigging out and finding it hard to stop. You know if you’re the kind of person for whom one bite turns to too many. For many of you, it’s far easier — and healthier — to simply say no, because you know that desserts or processed foods just aren’t for your highest good. So before you say no or yes, See the Opposite Outcome. What will probably happen if you do take some of these enticing sweets? Will you set yourself on a self-destructive path?

3.  Put On Polite, Defiant Determination

The last part of this three-step process is about attitude. One of my biggest secrets to thriving sugar-free for 16 holiday seasons is that I always walk around with my healthy, sugar-free vision uppermost in my thoughts. It’s tucked in my back pocket, so to speak. I emphatically know that I want and choose to be slim, stay cheerful, and feel focused. I’m so resolute in my stance that whenever well-meaning hosts or loved ones offer their potentially harmful dessert foods or fast carbs to me, I’m not only Driven by My Vision., but I easily Put On Polite, Defiant Determination. By the way, remember, although you want to adopt a stance of Defiant Determination, you also want to be kind. After all, the people offering you potentially dangerous sweets are probably sugar addicts themselves so have compassion for them. Ultimately, however, you want to add the two together so that you can Put On Polite, but Defiant Determination.

Share Your Thoughts. What do you think of my 3 Simple Steps to Soar through the Holidays so you’ll discover How to NOT Overeat this Season of Sugar Overloading. Do you have another tip that’s worked for you. Join the conversation either here, on this Sugar Shock Blog, or on Facebook

Photo Credit: John Cobb and Unsplash.

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]]>http://www.connie-bennett.com/3-simple-steps-to-soar-through-the-holidays/feed/ 0 http://www.connie-bennett.com/halloween-scare-you/ http://www.connie-bennett.com/halloween-scare-you/#comments Fri, 30 Oct 2015 23:52:04 +0000 Connie Bennett http://www.connie-bennett.com/?p=5724 The Season of Sugar Overload is now in high gear. It’s that time of year again when sugar-loaded children will bounce off the walls and when adult sugar addicts buy super-sized bags, give out a lot of candies but later over-gobble the sweet stuff so that they end up in Sugar Shock. Today, I invite […]

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]]>Laugh With Lisa Kotin at Candy Craziness

The Season of Sugar Overload is now in high gear. It’s that time of year again when sugar-loaded children will bounce off the walls and when adult sugar addicts buy super-sized bags, give out a lot of candies but later over-gobble the sweet stuff so that they end up in Sugar Shock.

Today, I invite you to let the funny recovered sugar addict Lisa Kotin — author of the upcoming, entertaining, poignant sugar addiction book, My Confection, entertain you with her first vlog. See it below.

You’ll be hearing a lot more about Lisa Kotin.

For now, I invite you to think ahead.

Before you mindlessly shove candies into your mouth, ask yourself, ‘How will this affect me?”‘


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Join the Conversation. Share your big Ahahs here or on Facebook

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]]>http://www.connie-bennett.com/halloween-scare-you/feed/ 0 http://www.connie-bennett.com/your-halloween/ http://www.connie-bennett.com/your-halloween/#comments Wed, 28 Oct 2015 14:00:10 +0000 Connie Bennett http://www.connie-bennett.com/?p=5699 Recently, with Halloween around the corner, I’ve shared three blog posts — 7 Easy Ways to Face Halloween, some sad, ineffective candy-corn memories; and what you’ll get in today’s special Gab with the Gurus Show. Now, I invite you to enjoy the provocative cartoon below while you decide: Will you suffer the fate of these trick’r treaters? Feel free […]

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]]>Will You Gorge on Candies or Plan Smart Stop Sugar Shock Moves?

Recently, with Halloween around the corner, I’ve shared three blog posts — 7 Easy Ways to Face Halloween, some sad, ineffective candy-corn memories; and what you’ll get in today’s special Gab with the Gurus Show. Now, I invite you to enjoy the provocative cartoon below while you decide: Will you suffer the fate of these trick’r treaters?ConnieBennett Halloween 1027

Feel free to share this cartoon on Facebook, Twitter and to your candy-hooked friends. Just send them to this link.

Join the Conversation. Will you just see candies and fell prey to Crazy Cravings?

Instead, I invite you to plan ahead to do some smart things to to soften Sugar Shock this Halloween for both your kids and you? Get 7 Easy Ways to Face Halloween here.

Now share your Halloween plan here or on Facebook.

The post Your Halloween? appeared first on Connie Bennett.

]]>http://www.connie-bennett.com/your-halloween/feed/ 2 http://www.connie-bennett.com/healthy-halloween-tips/ http://www.connie-bennett.com/healthy-halloween-tips/#comments Tue, 27 Oct 2015 21:08:56 +0000 Connie Bennett http://www.connie-bennett.com/?p=5668 On National Sugar Overload Day — my phrase for Halloween — millions of children and adults alike will be lured like flies into a spider trap to eat and probably pig out on sugar-laden candies. This established sugar-gorging holiday also often stresses out frazzled parents, who just don’t know how to deal with their little […]

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]]>Tips for Parents on Gab with the Gurus to Help your Kids Soften Sugar Shock

On National Sugar Overload Day — my phrase for Halloween — millions of children and adults alike will be lured like flies into a spider trap to eat and probably pig out on sugar-laden candies.

Spider-281142_640 (1)

This established sugar-gorging holiday also often stresses out frazzled parents, who just don’t know how to deal with their little “Sugar Monsters” once they come home from trick ‘r treating.

To help you make this sugar-centered holiday one that isn’t fraught with frustration, I’ve often interviewed a number of experts, who give you some simple tips on how to how your kids can have fun and how to make Halloween more healthy.

Check out this week’s Gab with the Gurus Show to listen to easy tips from a team of stellar experts. You will hear easily doable ideas from:

On this Gab with the Gurus Show — which will be a repeat from a previous show — will discover:

  • How your kids can start the night on a healthy note before they go go trick’r treating.
  • here your children should put the candies when they get back from trick’r treating.
  • How to have some fun turning the edible candies into something non-edible.
  • What your kids should not use on Halloween night so they won’t look like “Santa’s little elves.”
  • What one “rule” you can create when kids have come home with their candy “loot.”
  • How children can create less of a jolt on their pancreas.
  • How to trade toys for something even more fun than sweets.
  • How to burn off the sugar when they get home.
  • How to make candies do some good.
  • Another simple thing your kids should do in advance.
  • Ways your kids can have fun on Halloween but that doesn’t involve candy.

Listen to our fun Gab with the Gurus Show now. Please take note that this show was previously called Stop Sugar Shock Show.)

Join the Conversation. Share this Gab with the Gurus Show. Then tell us your biggest A-hah here, on this Sugar Shock Blo9, or on Facebook.

The post Healthy Halloween Tips appeared first on Connie Bennett.

]]>http://www.connie-bennett.com/healthy-halloween-tips/feed/ 0 http://www.connie-bennett.com/halloween-used-to-mean-candy-corn/ http://www.connie-bennett.com/halloween-used-to-mean-candy-corn/#comments Thu, 22 Oct 2015 14:19:13 +0000 Connie Bennett http://www.connie-bennett.com/?p=5657 I used to love candy corn. Indeed, I used to have Crazy Cravings™ for them. Just seeing them led me to privately pig out on these adorable, sweet kernels. Especially before and after Halloween. For years, those little tri-colored “treats” tempted and taunted me again and again to shove them into my mouth. Well, that’s […]

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]]>Now I'm Immune to Their Charms

I used to love candy corn. Indeed, I used to have Crazy Cravings™ for them. Just seeing them led me to privately pig out on these adorable, sweet kernels. Especially before and after Halloween.

Candy CornFor years, those little tri-colored “treats” tempted and taunted me again and again to shove them into my mouth. Well, that’s sure how it felt.

For the past 17 years, though, I’ve been immune to the sweet charms of candy corn and other Halloween “goodies.”

To my joy, I’m no longer a hardcore candy addict, who feels trapped, frustrated and frazzled by these alluring “treats.”

Much to my continued amazement, I haven’t put one candy corn in my mouth since 1998.

That was the year I reluctantly quit sugar and refined carbs on doctor’s orders, because my M.D. thought that doing do would banish all 44 of my mysterious ailments. He was right, much to my amazement.

Candy corn doesn’t tempt me anymore! Learn why I easily say no.


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Now, as Halloween fast approaches, candy corn is again out in full force. And millions of Americans will be handing out lots of the sweet stuff to cute little trick-or-treaters.

Not only that, but millions of kiddies and their parents, as well as adults with no children, will mindlessly plop these insidious tri-colored “goodies” into their mouths.

But Halloween isn’t the only day, candy corn calls out to people. Inevitably, many will gobble candy corn for weeks, if not months, while blithely unaware of the potentially dangerous consequences of over-indulging on sweets.

To many, candy corn is quite tasty — especially if you’re used to the super-sweet taste — so it can be hard to stop. It once was for me. Now, I easily say no to this popular treat, which, as you can see here, contain “Sugar, Corn Syrup, Confectioner’s Glaze, Salt, Dextrose, Gelatin, Sesame Oil, Artificial Flavor, Honey, Yellow 6, Yellow 5, and Red 3.” 

If you’re a sugar addict like I once was, you’ll consume great quantities of candy corn from before Halloween to after the New Year, if not longer.

And it’s getting harder to hide out from these cute little candies. Candy corn isn’t just for Halloween anymore, according to the National Confectioner’s Association.

You can now buy Christmas-, Valentine’s Day- and even Easter-themed candy corn. But, of course, Halloween remains prime-time for this particular “treat,” which can lead to more and more and more.

This year, however, as I have for the past 17 years, I’ll enjoy Halloween far more than I did when candy corn was a huge part of my life.

And no, in case you’re wondering, I don’t even miss candy corn, thanks to many simple tools I share in my book, Beyond Sugar Shock

I’m revealing my short, sad, sour tale to bring hope to you frustrated sugar addicts, who are driven by Crazy Cravings just seeing the sweet stuff.

If you choose, you can have a joyous, sweet future, where your favorite sweet “treat” won’t trigger you anymore and lead to weight gain and the risk of serious ailments.

What’s more, you’ll discover, as I have, that Life is Sweeter Without Dangerous Sweets.

Now, even when discount chains and supermarkets release an avalanche of candy corn for the Halloween season, I find it super-easy to pass by these deceptively alluring “treats.”

I invite you to join me.

Join the Conversation. What Halloween candy most triggers you?  What are your favorite ways to resist candy temptations? Talk to us on this Sugar Shock Blog. Or connect with us on Facebook.

The post Halloween Used to Mean Candy Corn to Me appeared first on Connie Bennett.

]]>http://www.connie-bennett.com/halloween-used-to-mean-candy-corn/feed/ 0 http://www.connie-bennett.com/get-spooked-before-halloween/ http://www.connie-bennett.com/get-spooked-before-halloween/#comments Wed, 21 Oct 2015 15:24:50 +0000 Connie Bennett http://www.connie-bennett.com/?p=5625 Halloween, which is around the corner, is the scariest day of the year. That’s because it’s become an approved National Sugar Overload Day. For Halloween, 157 million well-meaning Americans  (or nine out of 10 shoppers) will fork over a whopping $ 2.1 billion to buy candy corn and lots of chocolate “treats.” (Indeed, 72 percent of […]

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]]>Simple Tips to Become a Sugar Sleuth before You or Your Kids Pig Out on this "National Sugar Overload Day"

Halloween, which is around the corner, is the scariest day of the year. That’s because it’s become an approved National Sugar Overload Day.

Scary Candy-sweet-316375_640

For Halloween, 157 million well-meaning Americans  (or nine out of 10 shoppers) will fork over a whopping $ 2.1 billion to buy candy corn and lots of chocolate “treats.” (Indeed, 72 percent of all money spent this Halloween will be on sugary chocolate.)

Every Halloween, millions of mindless, health-unconscious adults — parents and non-parents alike — take an ultra-permissive, Ditch the-Diet approach to Spooky Snacking.

Many  of you will experience collective Sugar Ignorance.

You simply “forget” everything you’ve ever heard of or learned about the dangers of sugar overloading, including its connection (confirmed by many stellar researchers) to obesity, heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, polycystic ovary syndrome, and more.

This Halloween, bring your kids with you to the store to read labels of those sugary candies you’re buying.


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Instead, parents will likely lovingly, good-naturedly tell their innocent, sugar-craving kids, “Sure, you can have some candy [on Halloween and for days afterwards], but brush your teeth afterwards.”

Not only that, but you and your friendly, well-intentioned neighbors will kindly give out candies galore to all those cute, young, costumed trick-or-treaters.

I’m not blaming you for being among the candy pushers every Halloween. You’re a product of our sugar-obsessed environment.

But this year, I invite you to take these seven simple steps before you take your children trick-or-treating.

  1. Bring your kids with you to the drug store, supermarket or discount warehouse while you buy Halloween candy. Make sure you have a large magnifying glass with you.
  2. Then, before spending a dime, play a Find-the-Sugars game with your children. Read aloud the ingredients on food labels of candies you’re thinking of buying. You may even want to take pictures of ingredient lists on your phone. By the way, make sure that one of the items you look at closely is the traditional Halloween favorite, candy corn. You’ll be shocked to see what’s in those cute little triangular sugary kernels.
  3. Before you buy candies, choose those with the least amount of high fructose corn  syrup, sugar or other nutrient-deprived sweeteners. If you can find small snacks with protein and fat, that would be ideal, but it may be since three million people are allergic to peanuts and treenuts.
  4. When arriving home, Get Spooked Together. Learn about the dangers of Sugar Overloading, especially on high fructose corn syrup. To begin, I urge you to look at my colleague Nancy Appleton’s amazing list of 141 Reasons Sugar Ruins Your Health. If you have time, go deeper with my first book, Sugar Shock!: How Sweets and Simple Carbs Can Derail Your Life– and How You Can Get Back on Track;  the late William Dufty’s Sugar Blues; or Dr. Robert Lustig’s Fat Chance: Beating the Odds Against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity, and Disease.
  5. Then invite your kids to create their own list of Top 5 Ways Sugar Can Mess You Up. Reward your child with a non-sugary “treat” like a colored pencil, sticker or extra hugs.
  6. Before you head out trick-or-treating, encourage your children to create a short routine, acting out her or his chosen costumed character. The American Dental Association and PopCap Games even found that “89 percent of kids surveyed say they would still like” Halloween if “it was less about candy and more about other types of fun.” (Admittedly, the survey also found that “93% would prefer to receive a video game instead of candy while trick-or-treating.”
  7. Finally, before your kids ring neighbors’ doorbells to trick-or-treat, feed them well. Give them a well-balanced meal (ample protein, quality fats and some veggies). That will make them a little less likely to trick their bodies by pigging out an all the sweet, dangerous “treats.”
What’s in candy corn? Sugar, Corn Syrup, Confectioner’s Glaze, Salt, Dextrose, 3 Dyes, etc.


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May you and your family have a very Happy, Healthy Halloween.

Connect with Us: Which of these tips most appeals to you? What other ideas do you have? Talk to us here, on this Sugar Shock Blog, or on Facebook.

The post 7 Easy Ways to Face Halloween appeared first on Connie Bennett.

]]>http://www.connie-bennett.com/get-spooked-before-halloween/feed/ 0 http://www.connie-bennett.com/sweet-liberty-or-sugar-slavery/ http://www.connie-bennett.com/sweet-liberty-or-sugar-slavery/#comments Tue, 20 Oct 2015 14:37:09 +0000 Connie Bennett http://www.connie-bennett.com/?p=5608 I’m really troubled. Lately, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about some amazing, driven, heart-centered entrepreneurs I recently, thanks to inspiring conferences presented by the remarkable “Queen of Sales Conversion” Lisa Sasevich and innovative Product Launch Formula creator Jeff Walker. Why am I so concerned about these women and men, who clearly — because they’re […]

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]]>Heart-Centered Entrepreneurs, You Need to Eat Right & Be Healthy to Make Your Big Why Happen

I’m really troubled.

Sweet Liberty - y Ximena Torres Rodríguez-photo-1430233831405-b0d673c05300

Lately, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about some amazing, driven, heart-centered entrepreneurs I recently, thanks to inspiring conferences presented by the remarkable “Queen of Sales Conversion” Lisa Sasevich and innovative Product Launch Formula creator Jeff Walker.

Why am I so concerned about these women and men, who clearly — because they’re attending Lisa’s or Jeff’s events — have a Big Why, a burning mission and a huge desire to help many, possibly hundreds of thousands of people?

Because among the hundreds of people in attendance — many of whom traveled from all over the world to learn from Jeff or Lisa — I keep coming across movers and shakers, who seem to be ruled often by their Crazy Cravings™ for candies, cookies, or other junk foods.

They are sugar-addicted, carbs-obsessed, or weight-challenged.

Alas, these Heart-Centered Entrepreneurs — who have so much to give — just aren’t Healthy.

The more I hung out with some of these truly amazing, cheerful, generous people, the more worried I became…

Your Big Why can guide you to Sweet Liberty, not Sugar Slavery.


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Please note that I have HUGE respect for these Heart-Centered Entrepreneurs.

They are driven by their Big Why. And some of them are succeeding in stellar ways — or, they’re on the way there. They are making a Big Difference…


How long will these Heart-Driven Entrepreneurs be around to fulfill their missions?

As I watch several of them mindlessly gobble candies and incessantly guzzle soda despite their obvious weight issues, I worry about them.

Because, as the research irrefutably concludes, they are seriously increasing the risk of getting cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease or another 100-plus ailments.

The lives of these Heart-Centered Entrepreneurs may be cut short by a decade or more because they’re eating junk foods.

Lately, I’ve been consumed by thoughts of:

  • “How can I help these amazing people?”
  • “How can I serve these awesome individuals, who have such work to do?”
  • “How can I kindly, gently, compassionately convince them to treat their bodies well so they’ll live long enough to fulfill their Big Why?

Ultimately, what it comes down to — no matter who you are —  a heart-centered entrepreneur, a mother, father, or an up-and-coming mover and shaker — you need to take care of your precious body.

It’s the only one you have.

So the next time you mindlessly reach for candies, cookies or soda, please remind yourself: “Eating or drinking this junk will NOT help me achieve your dreams and goals. 

Not only that but gorging or guzzling this processed crap will likely cut your life short.

Wouldn’t it be nicer to be healthy, happy and active so you can focus on your Big Why?

Special thanks to Unsplash and photographer Ximena Torres Rodríguez.

Question for Ponder & Discuss: What is your Big Why and can you tap into that instead of gobbling cookies, guzzling sugary drinks or gorging on carbs? Share your thoughts now on this Sugar Shock Blog. Or go to Facebook to discuss your Big Why.

The post Sweet Liberty or Sugar Slavery? appeared first on Connie Bennett.

]]>http://www.connie-bennett.com/sweet-liberty-or-sugar-slavery/feed/ 0 http://www.connie-bennett.com/self-compassion-helps-you-lose-weight/ http://www.connie-bennett.com/self-compassion-helps-you-lose-weight/#comments Fri, 09 Oct 2015 14:46:50 +0000 Connie Bennett http://www.connie-bennett.com/?p=5497 If I told you there was one simple thing you could do so that you’d stick to your diet, quit carbs, ditch sugar, or clean up your diet what would you say? It’s ridiculous to expect perfection, especially when it comes to dieting. That’s downright impossible. As a delightfully imperfect human being, you may “slip” […]

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]]>Dr. Kristin Neff Shares One Simple Way to Stick to Your Diet, Face Grief & More

If I told you there was one simple thing you could do so that you’d stick to your diet, quit carbs, ditch sugar, or clean up your diet what would you say?

Heart Af0sF2OS5S5gatqrKzVP_SilhoutteIt’s ridiculous to expect perfection, especially when it comes to dieting. That’s downright impossible.

As a delightfully imperfect human being, you may “slip” at some point on your healthy adventure. And that’s fine. It’s to be expected.

If you blow your diet, self-compassion can lift you up and get you back on course.


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But when or if you fall off the wagon,” what you do matters.

If you use your binge as an excuse to beat up on yourself, you’ll pave the way for more failure and inevitable weight gain.

If, on the other hand, after you slip and eat sugar, carbs or other unhealthy snacks, you can ultimately succeed if you shower yourself with kindness, self-compassion, and understanding.

In fact, a growing body of research reveals that self-compassion is exactly what you need when you start or blow your diet or if you need help to get back on track, according to Kristin Neff, Ph.D., author of Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself.

For instance, compassion can help you:

  • To calm yourself after you blow your diet.
  • Self-compassion triggers oxytocin, the “feel-good” hormone.
  • To say to yourself if you’ve overeaten or done something else self-destructive.
  • To do a self-hugging practice, which makes you feel good.
  • And so much more.

By the way, self-compassion helped me quite a bit in late 1012, when I had a Carb Relapse while facing trauma, anguish, grief over the death of my Mom, etc. 

Learn now about the many benefits of compassion from Dr. Neff, during our interview on my Gab with the Gurus Show.

Join the Conversation: What is your biggest takeaway? Talk to us here, on this Sugar Shock Blog or on Facebook.

Photo: Courtesy of Unsplash and Mayur Gala. 

The post Self-Compassion Helps You Lose Weight appeared first on Connie Bennett.

]]>http://www.connie-bennett.com/self-compassion-helps-you-lose-weight/feed/ 0 http://www.connie-bennett.com/have-you-seen-our-cartoons/ http://www.connie-bennett.com/have-you-seen-our-cartoons/#comments Wed, 07 Oct 2015 16:45:16 +0000 Connie Bennett http://www.connie-bennett.com/?p=5571 Have you seen the new Shock Funnies™, which recently made their debut here, on this Sugar Shock Blog? Why, you may wonder, am I inviting you to laugh at serious health and health and wellness subjects? That’s because humor is powerful. Smiling or laughing about something serious can inspire you to make positive changes. Indeed, back in […]

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Group: Stop SUGAR SHOCK!
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Direct Phone: 1-866-542-5784
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