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Teen Success: What’s Your Learning Genius?
DollarSmartKids Enterprises Inc.- Financial Products for Youth DollarSmartKids Enterprises Inc.- Financial Products for Youth
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Kelowna, British Columbia
Sunday, May 25, 2014


Posted by Nancy Phillips on Sun, May 25, 2014

Nancy Phillips, author, Zela Wela KidsHow do You learn? How are You smart? Has anyone ever told you the answers to these questions? For most of us, the answer is no.

You are going to discover the answer in the next few minutes and the information has the potential to change your life, and how you look at yourself and your personal strengths. This isn?t something you?ll typically hear about in school, and yet is invaluable as you begin to define yourself and the life you want to create. It will help you find your inner genius, and yes, we all have one or more.

Just because a person gets good grades in school doesn?t mean they will automatically do well in life, and poor grades certainly don?t guarantee failure, especially in today?s rapidly changing world.

People have different ways they process sensory information - that is, how your mental computer acts on the incoming stimulation. The school system tends to focus on the verbal and mathematic processing. If these aren?t your strength don?t worry, just because you feel you may not have a high academic IQ doesn?t mean you aren?t smart. Your first step is to understand how you are smart and how you learn most effectively and enjoyably.

Dr. Howard Gardner, a psychologist and professor of neuroscience from Harvard University, developed the Theory of Multiple Intelligences in 1983.

These are the major intelligences he defined:

 1 Bodily-kinesthetic: physical learning, the ability to control physical motions with skill (athletes, actors, builders, pilots)

 2 Interpersonal: understand what other people need to work well (counselor, business coach, salesperson)

 3 Verbal-linguistic: competency with language, spoken or written (teacher, journalist, lawyer)

 4 Logical-mathematical: scientific thinking, ability to recognize patterns and perform complex calculations (engineer, accountant, doctor)

 5 Intrapersonal: understanding yourself, who you are and what you can do (entrepreneur, author, researcher)

 6 Visual-spatial: ability to create the spatial world in your mind (architect, sculptor, designer)

 7 Musical: auditory skill, ability to think in music, hear patterns, create them (musician, conductor, composer)

 8 Naturalistic: sensitivity and understanding of the natural world (farmer, environmentalist, geologist, zoologist)

 9 Existential:  ability to contemplate phenomena or questions beyond sensory data (quantum physicists, philosophers, psychologists)

This makes perfect sense?people are good at different things and learn in different ways right?


Female Architect Drummer Teacher Motocross

Steve Jobs

Let?s think about some of the really successful people who have great strengths outside of verbal and mathematical, like musicians, athletes, artists and entrepreneurs. Some of their dominant processing intelligences would be musical, physical, spatial, intrapersonal and interpersonal. Intrapersonal is how well you know and direct yourself. Self-control would be one way of looking at it. Interpersonal is how well you communicate with other people and this is an essential tool for success in life.

When people talk about a ?genius?, they are referring to someone who has been able to find and use the incredible talents they have inside them. By finding out what your dominant intelligences are, you will be much more able to bring that genius out in yourself. It can be very disappointing if you get an average grade after studying really hard for an exam, but it is critical you look for the learning opportunity within any outcome. When things like that happen, the results can help direct you by showing you what you may need to learn more about and practice, as well as what you do and don?t want to do when deciding your life direction. Various experiences, good and not so good, will help direct you to a career you love and away from one that doesn?t suit you. It will help you develop financial and life success because people tend to be far more financially successful and happy when they are passionate about what they do!

Choose your top 3 intelligences, look for opportunities to learn and process information this way. See how things change in your life when you focus on your strengths!

*Bodily-kinesthetic * Interpersonal * Verbal-linguistic *Logical-mathematical *Intrapersonal *Visual-spatial * Musical *Naturalistic

I hope you find this helpful!

News Media Interview Contact
Name: Ms. Nancy Phillips,BSc., EMBA
Title: Founder and President
Group: DollarSmartKids Enterprises Inc.
Dateline: Kelowna, BC Canada
Direct Phone: 250-864-9419
Cell Phone: 250-864-9419
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