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Gratitude For All Things
Richa Badami --- Transformation and Success for Life Richa Badami --- Transformation and Success for Life
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Washington, DC
Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Wear gratitude like a cloak and it will feed every corner of your life. ~Rumi

I have found that every time I bring my thoughts to gratitude, everything changes. My breath slows down and gets deeper. My thoughts shift to what I have versus what I don't have. My fears and self-limiting ways of thinking clear the way for courage and limitlessness. Simply, everything shifts.


By virtue of allowing gratitude for life and existence you open yourself up to accessing the source of all creation. When you are in gratitude you are saying thank you for everything. Every Thing. Unconditionally. Without Judgment. Without Opinions. Without Criticism. You embrace all things without separation in the state of grace that is gratitude.

Sometimes negative experiences from the past leave one upset, angry or resentful. How can one be grateful for events that have caused trauma and pain in the past? How can one justify being grateful for pain? 

When we look through the lenses of right and wrong, there is separation. We are taking sides, because it's the only way we know how to survive. Kill or be killed. The survival of the fittest. But when such separation exists, the ego is running the show. And when the ego is running the show there can be no gratitude, no presence of grace. The role of gratitude is not to condone the past, but to create a milieu of a gentle peace breathing within you. And for that we must dissolve the ego and access the place of oneness within us, the place of heightened awareness and consciousness.

When you practice being in gratitude every day you seat yourself at the threshold of abundance, creativity and compassion. Your big "I", your higher consiousness or your cosmic self, surfaces. When self-limiting thoughts and fears are laid to rest, your little "i" or the ego is freed from the space dictating you act in alignment to those "little fearful thoughts". 

Being in the presence of the grace that is gratitude is a conscious choice and daily practice. Just as in order to dispel the darkness we must turn on a light, we have to conitnuously choose every day, every moment, in every experience - I can either resent or be grateful for this experience, this person, this moment. We are organic, living, breathing energy. How we choose to vibrate our energy is completely in our hands. How will you choose?

My sacred affirmations for today are...

I choose Gratitude

I am Grateful for the past without judgment

I am Grateful for existence Itself

I AM Gratitude

I choose a state of Gratitude

Take a few moments to reflect on these questions, share and discuss this blog. Your insights could help another reader, so don't hold back, share the love. Tell me what you think? What were you present to when you read this article? I am so honored that you spent time in this sacred space with me. You make a difference in the Universe, always remember that! Now don't hold back, speak your truth! The Universe is listening.....! 

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Name: Richa Badami
Dateline: Ashburn, VA United States
Direct Phone: 703-957-9797
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