Home > NewsRelease > Sha’i Ben-Tekoa: “Needed: A New Emile Zola” August 11, 2015
Sha’i Ben-Tekoa: “Needed: A New Emile Zola” August 11, 2015
Gail Winston -- Winston Mid East Analysis and Commentary Gail Winston -- Winston Mid East Analysis and Commentary
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Bat Ayin,Gush Etzion, The Hills of Judea
Friday, August 21, 2015




From the Mind of Sha’i ben-Tekoa
Webcast Transcript:

Date: August 11, 2015

Parasha: Re’eh / ???

Title: Needed: A New Emile Zola

Copyright Sha’i ben-Tekoa 2014

“Shalom laYehudim, Shalom laBnai Noach, Shalom laGoyim” It’s the evening of the 4th day, kafzion beMenachem Av, tav-shin-ayin-heh, Parashas Re’eh, the evening of the 3rd day, Tuesday, 11 August 2015, webcasting from the target of the anti-Jew in the Oval Office, whose animosity to the Jewish people and their one and only state has become the elephant in the room.

Barack Hussein Obama, in the matter of Islam’s war against the State of Israel, sides with the Muslims. I make the case that this is what was foremost in his mind in 2008 when running for office when he spoke of making a “fundamental change” in America. This is it: its relationship to Jews in general and the State of Israel in particular.

Iran has been open and honest about its desire to destroy Israel. The current Muslim madman in charge there has just published a hefty tome called “Falastin” which already communicates the principle statement of the book. Foremost in his tyrannical mind is the existence of the State of Israel and in his book he says this repeatedly. Falastin is the No. 1 problem facing the world of Islam.

I submit that this sentiment is shared by the President of the United States. There are photographs of Obama smiling, grinning into the face of today’s Sultan in Istanbul Recep Erdogan who likewise is a lunatic antisemite who hates Israel. Erdogan was, remember, Obama’s primary counselor on the Middle East.

This is a president who, as I pointed out in an American Thinker piece in February, slapped the Jewish people in the face within ten minutes of being sworn in as president on the Capitol steps in January 2009. It is right there in his inaugural address if you read between the lines. And then the next day, after he entered the Oval Office for the first time, his first phone call was to Mahmoud Abbas, the Arab assassin.

Then his first appointment was George Mitchell as a special envoy tasked with solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as it is dishonestly misnamed. It is the Arab-Israeli Conflict for real; even more so it is the Muslim-Jewish Conflict.

Now Obama has devised a plan to wire-transfer an ungodly sum of money to the wicked mullahs in Teheran and see to it as well that they have atomic bombs in a few years, if not right away.

Barack Hussein Obama is a fan of Islam; no one can gainsay that after he himself has called the call to prayer from the minaret one of the most beautiful sounds he has ever heard.

He has functioned as a PR spin-doctor for Islam, refusing ever to connect this culture with the thousands of murderers who murder people in its name.

Jews are murdered in a kosher grocery store in Paris and Obama refers to them as “some folks” as if their Jewishness played no role in the massacre.

There are massacres all over the place every day now, it seems, and the odds are great that the perpetrators and even the victims are Muslims.

He can’t speak the idea of “Islamic terrorism.” He wants give Iran billions of dollars, a country that has committed numerous, outright acts of against the U.S, killing hundreds, even thousands of U.S. servicemen. Iran says it wants to annihilate Israel, and he signs off on an agreement giving them the atomic means to do that, G-d forbid.

Still the truth that he is in league with Iran because he is spiritually in tune with Islam and millions of other Muslims who want to see Israel obliterated, G-d forbid, cannot be spoken. Where is today’s Emile Zola with his “J’accuse” who exposed the shameless, evil antisemitism behind the frame-up of Capt. Dreyfus in the 1890s? About the closest man today to Emile Zola is Mike Huckabee, and I hope that he and Schumer persuade senators who need to be persuaded that Obama – no matter what he says – is collaborating with the Iranians in their dreams of destroying Israel and for the same Islamic motives.

Islam is incapable, versus Christianity, of living next door to Israel, living with Israel. Because Christians have, from a Jewish point of view, curiously been schlepping around for 2000 years our Tanakh in translation — even as they say the Old Testament, as they misname it, no longer applies — they have been able, many of them, to accept the fulfillment of a promise in the “Old Testament” made thousands of years ago by the God of the Jews, which means He has not cast us aside. G-d’s Covenant with the Jews is indeed eternal, and I think a lot of Christians see that now.

Many Christians can therefore even exult in bearing witness to this amazing event in human history: the return of the Jews after thousands of years in exile.

But not the Muslims. The existence of Israel shakes the foundations of Islam in a way it does not in Christianity. Israel’s existence is experienced by Muslims as a rifle shot to the heart of Islam.

Islam is the monotheism of thieves. There is nothing original in it. Every important concept is taken from the Jews. Islam was the successor religion to native polytheism, idol-worship and nature worship, and as such – becoming monotheistic – – was not a new idea. They got it from the Jews.

The idea of One G-d, of a Chosen People, of a holy book, of praying to a central temple city; the idea of a messiah, their Mahdi. Islam is largely the stealing of chunks of Judaism and misunderstanding and twisting them. Stealing the Jews’ holy book, they re-wrote the story of Ishmael; they didn’t like the Jewish version. In the matter of God’s commandment to the Jews to take over the Land of Canaan and dispossess the Canaanites, the Muslims believe the commandment to Muhammad was to take over the whole world; to rid the world of non-believers and make it a one-world government, a one-world religion. Islam is the Final Revelation, they say.

Islam cannot tolerate the return of the Jews to Eretz Israel, to Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. The very idea is such an atomic artillery shell of an idea fired into their brains, they can’t deal with it. Rather, they deal with it barbarian-style. They deny it. It was this denial that ended the Oslo Process in July 2000, When Arafat told Clinton that the Jews never had a temple on Haram a-Sharif/the Temple Mount, I think the penny finally dropped in the mind of Bill Clinton that the whole seven years of the Oslo delirium had been a lie. It surely dawned on Clinton as never before that he was dealing with a lunatic with whom peace with Israel was impossible.

As my book shows, this was because Arafat was raised by the man who implanted the Muslim Brotherhood in Mandatory Palestine, his father. Arafat grew up as the prince of the Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine, son of the organizer. He did not really begin to call himself a Palestinian until his was in his 30s and only then as a tactic. He had seen the success of the Muslims in Algeria in the 1950s besting the French by talking the talk of “a war of national liberation” and of “socialism” as the future, post-independence government.

As my book shows, though, among themselves the Muslims called themselves Muslims and not Algerians. In Europe they portrayed themselves as “national freedom fighters” but not to the masses of illiterates for whom Islam is everything. They all were just Muslims.

My book reminds us that for forty years as well, following the Balfour Declaration and creation of Mandatory Palestine, the leader of the Arabs was a Muslim priest, like the ayatollahs in Teheran, whose vocabulary was exclusively Islamic and not “Palestinian nationalist.” That was impossible because he also insisted in that generation that there was no such country as Falastin.

As Islam was the fuel of the fire of hatred in Haj Amin in his generation, so today Islam remains afire with homicidal envy and hatred of Israel.

Obama is Islam’s ally. Last spring in the negotiations, there was a shocking revelation. Around the table, it was reported, Kerry and Sherman were allied with Iran and making Iran’s case to the others, the P5+1.

Islam’s nuclear core burns with Ishmael’s homicidal envy of Yitzhak and Yaakov. His religion is nothing but the theft of ours.

Islam believes that Allah gave Believers the right to overrun and loot the entire planet under the flag of an illiterate, uneducated Arab’s misunderstanding of Judaic monotheism.

Obama is right there with them. His refusal to speak the idea of “Islamic terrorism” says much. His ugly refusal to fly to Paris to join other Western leaders after the Charlie Hebdo massacre and Hyper Cacher pogrom; his refusal to acknowledge that the victims there were Jews. Now he wants to give the Iranians all that money and allow them to build atomic bombs.

The man is a criminal antisemite.

But on the national stage, who has the courage to say that?

On the other hand, giving Obama the benefit of the doubt about what I see as his naked malevolence, maybe it is because he is so poorly educated, doesn’t know how to think, has little knowledge and certainly no wisdom. I mean, on Sunday Obama said on low-life, high-toned NPR that Iran, no doubt, has to change. He said it “must drop its anti-American and anti-Israel postures before it transitions into the international community. There has to be recognition that chanting ‘Death to America’ or denying the Holocaust among its leaders or threatening Israel with destruction, you know, providing arms to Hezb’Allah, which is on the terrorist list – that those things make Iran a pariah in the eyes of a large part of the world.”

This man is an idiot. He sees Iran “transitioning into the international community” when, as far as I know, Iran has no interest in being embraced by the international community. On the contrary, Iran wants to overrun the international community and does not give a rodent’s derriere about being liked or accepted by said community.

He speaks of these anti-American and anti-Israel slogans that have to be dropped as if they were public relations gimmicks that are just superficial and not really indicative of the real Iran underneath. Sounding like a spin-doctor who runs political campaigns and does focus groups in order to see what is on people’s minds, Obama thinks the Iranians can just drop these ideas of hating Israel and hating the U.S.

On NPR he also said, “And I can guarantee you that the moment the Iranian regime stops engaging in that kind of rhetoric and that kind of behavior, Iran would just by virtue of its size, talent, resources, immediately rise in its influence and its power in the eyes of the world.”

Dear me. Such concern for the welfare of Iran here. Obama wants Iran to rise in influence and power in the world and can do that by just dropping these slogans like “Death to Israel” and “Death to America.”

In other words, because they can just drop these ideas, they don’t really mean them.

He also, as we’ve seen over the past few days, has been saying that the opposition to his plan is just partisan politics. He said the Republicans are opposed to everything he does, and the implication is their opposition to this has nothing do with the content and merits and demerits of the deal.

As with Bibi. Obama does not refute Bibi’s claims, arguments and facts. Instead, he indignantly objects to his manner, his rude interference in the conduct of American foreign affairs. He said he knows of no other foreign leader who has ever done such thing.

Never mind his own interference here during the last elections in order to topple Bibi.

Never mind the related story today of Obama and Kerry’s State Department playing advocate for the PLO Jew-killers as Obama and Kerry have sided with the Muslims in Iran. Yesterday, as predicted, the State Department went to court and tried to lower the judgment against the PLO for murdering people because the PLO does not have that kind of money.

One asks, “Why not?” One would think that after 21 years of state-building by the Palestinian Authority, they, this ancient, cultured people, would have a flourishing economy; this historic, sophisticated people who have contributed so much to humanity – that is how they talk in their conventions.

The truth is that the PA is another welfare scam in the same league with UNRWA. Abbas’s worst nightmare is true independence with no foreign aid for then he and his grafters would have to survive on their own and they simply could not.

The money funneled to the PA for almost 22 years now goes to its bureaucrats, with all the employees of the hundreds of NGOs funded primarily by antisemitic European governments is what keeps the fantasy of a phantom Palestinian nation afloat. Without all the foreign aid, there would be no Palestinian community here. In this sense, although the main players are the Arabs themselves on the ground in Gaza and Judea and Samaria and the UNRWA areas in Jordan and Lebanon, the money supporting the PA is Western.

Mahmoud Abbas, like his predecessor Arafat, is forever flying from one capital to another around the world to confer with government leaders and report on the status of the Balestinians’ “war of national independence” to free themselves from the “Zionist occupiers,” and who do you think pays for all those trips? Jet fuel is expensive, as are the 5-star accommodations suitable for the dignity of a head of state.

The entirety of the Palestinian cause is a monstrous pile of antisemitic lies and also a business, a way of a life, a way to make some money.

Here is another piece of evidence supporting the thesis that Obama is even more than a communist like his mentor Franklin Marshall Davis – one reason he fundamentally trashed America’s boycott of Communist Cuba – he is above all an antisemite out to harm the Jews. That can be seen in the subtle charges of dual-loyalty his Iran scheme is cooking up. Jewish politicians now are being fingered with doubt about their leader, the President of the United States of America. Are you loyal to him or your Jewish prime minister? Vote against the plan and you are a traitor like Alfred Dreyfus. Obama is seeding the atmosphere with this poison.

Netanyahu perhaps clumsily asked American Jews to do the right thing, and not surprisingly, there was pushback from the IBJs, the Inside the Beltway Jews like Malcolm Hoenlein and Abe Foxman huffing and puffing that they are Americans and will make their decisions as Americans and the prime minister of Israel was out of line in making that request. How frightened they are of being accused of dual-loyalty which underneath really means being suspected of disloyalty, of being traitors.

Unfortunately, the largely post-religious IBJ leaders do not know how to answer the charge, for that might lead to the truth that the true traitor to America and its traditions is Barack Hussein Obama. His Iran scheme is one major example of his desire to change America fundamentally. The IBJ leadership could and should strike back and accuse Obama of not being faithful to America and its traditions. By voting as Israel wants, American senators and congressmen will truly be the ones faithful to American traditions. If anyone is being disloyal around here, it is Barack Hussein.

Obama has spoken out against the lies being told by the opposition to his plan. An anonymous White House source told Yediot’s correspondent in Washington that the administration will not stand for the spreading of lies about the plan and those who do not support it will meet with a powerful response, i.e. any Democrat senator who votes with the Jews.

But, as usual, it is Obama and his team who are lying. He is always lying. He tells you what you want to hear but it is his actions, not his words, that one must observe. As in his NPR interview, yes, he is aware of Iran’s antisemitism and of course wants them to stop it – but does nothing about it. If he truly wants Iran to drop its antisemitism and transition into the family of nations, he should apply even more sanctions than the ones he removed. What does it matter what this taurine excreta artist says when his actions reflect other intentions?

It is going to be a truly dramatic climax, I fear, the vote in September. Assuming all 54 Republican Senators vote against Obama and his evil scheme, that means another 13 Democratic senators of the 45 of them must basically, heroically, go against their party’s leader. Which is why last webcast I said that I hope Chuck Schumer will work on them and insist that this Iran madness is larger by many magnitudes than party loyalty.

Ten of the 45 Democratic senators are nominal Jews but, of course, all but one do not live Jewish lives. Ben Cardin of Maryland, I believe, is Modern Orthodox.

California Senator Barbara Boxer, originally a textbook Jewish liberal feminist of her generation out of Brooklyn, has already made clear her identity is party identity, American identity. She will not side with the Jewish people in Israel in our hour of need.

Senator Bernie Sanders is likewise an old post-Jewish socialist from Brooklyn. And today we learned that young Brian Shatz of Hawaii married to an oriental lady pledged his loyalty to his leader Barack Hussein Obama.

What Obama is doing is pitting Jew against Jew and asking them to be loyal to their president and not to some foreign prime minister. This is what Napoleon said to the Jews in 1807. I will make you full-fledged citizens of enlightened France but you must denationalize. You must cut yourself from Jews elsewhere in the world. They are not your nation. France is your nation. And now thanks to Obama, Jews in America have some soul-searching to do.

Last item, which is not about Israel and Jews but the worrying state of the great friend of the Jews, the state of the States in this most corrupt and decadent of generations in memory. The New York Times reported today on the fashion spreading in the Democratic Party to dissociate itself from the political heritage of Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson. For nearly a century, state party organizations have held annual Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinners, but now the fashion is casting them off because they were slaveholders and today Democrats are most concerned with an issue about which they had nothing to say: the plight of sodomites and their exclusion from mainstream American life.

And I say that when Americans jettison the legacy of Mr. Jefferson, as he was called, and Andy Jackson, they are cutting themselves off from the source of American culture. It is another example, I’m afraid, of decay, of decadence. And that is sad.

Leila tov mi Eretz Yisrael.

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Sha’i ben-Tekoa was born, raised and educated in the United States of America. He received a B.A. in Comparative Religion from Columbia University and did graduate work in same at the University of Chicago Divinity School. A traveler in Arab lands, he served in the Yom Kippur War effort of 1973. His articles on the Arab-Israeli conflict, terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, National Review, Midstream, Congress Monthly and other publications. He appeared on American Public Broadcasting’s The MacNeil-Lehrer NewsHour. In preparation for 1991’s historic Arab-Israeli peace conference in Madrid, he worked on assignment for the Office of the Prime Minister of Israel Yitzhak Shamir. He was formerly lead English language commentator for Shamir. He was formerly lead English language commentator for IsraelNationalNews.com. Sha’i broadcasts his Internet radio commentary and music program from the hills of Judea 3 nights a week. These webcasts, other articles & videos can be seen or heard by signing up on his Website:www.deprogramprogram.com.

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Sha’i ben-Tekoa: “The Really Unreal” Dec. 9, 2014

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Sha’i ben-Tekoa: “Israel Must Change” Nov. 6, 2014

Sha’i ben-Tekoa: “Bibi Is Right on the Temple Mount” Nov. 2, 2014

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shai-caritasshai-caritasshai-caritasshai-caritasAbout the Authorshai-autor pequeño Sha’i ben-Tekoa is the author of the book: “Phantom Nation: Inventing the ‘Palestinians’ as the Obstacle to Peace” available at Amazon.com on Kindle or 3 Volume Paperback. Check out the reviews on Amazon.com Book Description: Publication Date: January 4, 2014

If you are a supporter of Israel, “Phantom Nation” is a must-read book.

If you support the putatively Paleolithic “Palestinians,” you had better read this book. Sha’i ben-Tekoa skewers the myth of a “Palestinian” nation with rights to land the League of Nations specifically recognized as Jewish. The author, hired for a research project by the Office of Israel’s Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir discovered the first mention ever in a United Nations resolution of “Palestinians” in the year 1970, three years after Israel conquered Judea and Samaria, a.k.a. the “West Bank.” The author also shows how this very no-name of a name, “West Bank,” had to be invented for hills the Arabs never had a name for. Hence, the sterile, topographical description lacking all historical associations, which exposes the fraud that is the “Palestinian” counter-claim to land the League said was Jewish. Before 1959, when Gamal Nasser of Egypt conjured up the idea of a phantom “Palestinian” nation, the record of Holy Land history is perfectly empty of any mention of them. After Ben-Tekoa’s government assignment ended, he went in search of the full story surrounding the birth of this allegedly archaic community, and the story he tells covers the entire sweep of Zionist and Israeli history, its wars and waves of Arab and Muslim massacres (terrorism) and the birth of this notional nation a Biblical generation of forty years after the League of Nations’ decision.

He likens the rise of “Palestinian Nationalism” to Holocaust Denial as a twin perversion of history; as our generation’s successor ideology to medieval Christianity and Nazism as forms of homicidal anti-Semitism. It is our time’s way of justifying the mass murder of Jews. “Phantom Nation” is also a crackling, riveting, great read.

Review From Outpost, April, 2015, by Ruth King, Board of Directors, AFSI: Americans for a Safe Israel “…When Shai Ben Tekoa was doing research for the Office of Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir on the United Nations bias against Israel, he discovered that in the period of The League of Nations (1919-1945) and in United Nations Resolutions from 1945 until 1969 there was not a single reference to the Arabs as “the people of Palestine.” That term had its debut in Resolution 2535 in 1969. One year later, UN Resolution 2628 referenced the Arabs as “the Palestinian people” inventing a national identity which everyone has been parroting ever since.

These facts inspired Ben Tekoa to write his meticulously researched and detailedthree-volume work Phantom Nation: Inventing the “Palestinians” as the Obstacle to Peace.

These volumes are packed with more information that any single book on the history of Israel. Ben Tekoa chronicles it all–from the early pre-state Zionists, to the rebirth of the Jewish state, through the endless wars and terrorism, to the present Holocaust denial and international anti-Semitism.
Furthermore, Ben Tekoa understands the role that the Koran and Islam have played in the Muslim/Arab war against Israel. Israel stands in the way of Muslim dreams of a Caliphate with Sharia law throughout the Middle East. In this respect he goes beyond some of the best books on the conflict, including the late Irish politician Conor Cruise O’Brien’s
The Siege and Samuel Katz’s Battleground.

The blood curdling anti-Jewish fulminations of Iran are a call for a final jihad against Israel. Bat Ye’or in her many books and articles detailed the Islamic origins of anti-Israel hatred as did the late Saul Friedman in his splendid Land of Dust.

I highly recommend Ben Tekoa’s work. Phantom Nation belongs in homes, libraries, and should be studied by all Israel support organizations.


Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Phantom-Nation-Inventing-Palestinians-Obstacle-ebook/dp/B00EVAEW3Q

[Some few First Editions with this original cover still available at Amazon.com]


New Cover for “Phantom Nation: Inventing the ‘Palestinians as the Obstacle to Peace” …

3 volumes in full size paperback: Now: $8.99 each or Kindle for $8.99. Available on AMAZON.COM [All 3 volumes are also available for International Delivery]

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Gail Winston
Group: Winston Mid-East Commentary
Dateline: Bat Ayin, Gush Etzion, The Hills of Judea Israel
Cell Phone: 972-2-673-7225
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