Home > NewsRelease > Sha’i Ben-Tekoa: “Decision in Vienna” July 14, 2015
Sha’i Ben-Tekoa: “Decision in Vienna” July 14, 2015
Gail Winston -- Winston Mid East Analysis and Commentary Gail Winston -- Winston Mid East Analysis and Commentary
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Bat Ayin,Gush Etzion, The Hills of Judea
Thursday, July 16, 2015



From the Mind of Sha’i ben-Tekoa
Webcast Transcript:

Date: July 14, 2015
Parasha: Mattos-Masei / ????-????
Title: Decision in Vienna
Copyright Sha’i ben-Tekoa 2014

“Shalom laYehudim, Shalom laBnai Noach, Shalom laGoyim”. It’s the evening of the 4th day, “kafkhes beTammuz, tav-shin-ayin-heh”, Parashas Mattos-Masei, the evening of the 3rd day, Tuesday, 14 July 2015, webcasting from the center of civilization marked for destruction by the barbarians of Islam.

With the news today being that the barbarians are winning, I envy historians of the future who will try to understand this generation. I hope some note the coincidence of the recent astonishing decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to ordain men marrying men and women marrying women, and the decision in Vienna today to supply Iran with nuclear weapons the day after the regime presided over massive rallies where the faithful shrieked “Death to America!” and burnt the American flag and Iranian national leaders proudly declared their continuing war of destruction against the United States.

There is madness loosed in the world, and the connection between Vienna and that Court decision is Israel, the only religion in ancient history to adamantly reject sodomy. Western civilization begins not with the Greeks and the Romans but with the Hebrews, and their culture – which against all odds survived, and this was one reason.

The Court decision was a trashing of the Bible that is so basic to American history, and the decision in Vienna was likewise capitulation to this generation’s successor to Nazi Germany, i.e. Islamic Iran where they use religion pretty much like the Nazis used Nationalism Socialism: to rile up the masses and unify the people with the glue of Jew-hatred while dreaming of conquering the whole world. Heute Deutschland, Morgen die ganze welt/the Germans used to sing, “Today Germany; tomorrow the world”.  Iran in this generation is pretty much in that mold. It is a crusading, totalitarian, antisemitic successor to Nazi Germany. And here is the West once again choosing to bow down before Iran and even participate in its genocidal, anti-Jew ambitions.

In Orwell’s novel 1984, language is raped and stripped and ripped of meaning and truth.  Here this Tuesday morning both Obama and Kerry gave speeches announcing the agreement in Vienna. Later on FOX, I saw the excellent John Bolton say flat out that both were “absolutely incorrect” in what they were saying about blocking Iran’s path to a nuclear bomb. This, of course, (“absolutely incorrect”) because Bolton is a former diplomat, was his polite and euphemistic way of saying both of these men were lying. The two of them were lying in their triumphant sales pitch for what a great accomplishment their American diplomacy has wrought.

What came to mind was – as it always does with this guy Obama — was Ft. Hood, and “You can keep your doctor.” The man is a chronic, habitual, steady-state liar. After Ft. Hood, he told the American people: “Do not believe your eyes and ears. Islam had nothing to do with this workplace violence,” as if the spark for that carnage was an argument over who gets to use the copying machine next. The man is, plain and simple, pathologically unfit for office.

As for Kerry, he seems to be the same villain today he was when he betrayed his comrades-in-arms in Viet Nam and consorted with the enemy in Paris and made the enemy’s case for him against his own country. Here he is again siding with America’s Mortal Enemy No. 1.  At the Lausanne round of talks last April, observers noted that in the sessions, the U.S. was playing the role of defense counsel for Iran.

Is this not astonishing?

Speaking of betrayal, two days ago on Sunday, Secretary of State John Kerry, erstwhile solemn altar boy in the Roman Catholic Church, attended mass in St. Stephen’s Cathedral and one wonders if he wondered while there if his paternal grandparents had betrayed the Jewish people there too. It is, after all, Vienna’s cathedral, and it was there that Theodor Herzl, before he became a Zionist, thought it would be good idea if all the Jews in the city went to the plaza before the cathedral to get baptized. That would put an end to antisemitism, or so he thought for a while before he became a Zionist.

One source has it that John Kerry’s Austrian, paternal grandparents, who were descendants Aaron, brother of Moses, cohanim, apostatized and converted to Roman Catholicism in the year 1900. Well, Theodor Herzl was still alive then and, who knows, maybe they knew each other.

Anyway, here was the grandson of those apostate cohanim praying in St. Stephen’s as he prepared for today’s celebration with smiles for this agreement which Sen. Lindsey Graham later said on FOX today was a death sentence for Israel where I live. I can’t argue with that.

The first signs of this spiritual malignancy that culminated today in Vienna of all places, birthplace of Hitler’s megalomaniacal National Socialism, were there, however buried, in Obama’s first inaugural address in which he demoted the role of the Jews’ in America behind that of the Muslims and in the next sentence spoke of his outreach to the Muslim world for a new beginning.

Well, this is where it has led to. Pundits, even the otherwise estimable Charles Krauthammer, the best of the IBJs [Inside-the-Beltway-Jews], sees Obama desperate for a legacy achievement but I disagree. The day after his inaugural speech, his first phone call as president was to the Jew-killer Mahmoud Abbas, who like many Muslims is simply delirious when it comes to history and truth. Obama has had Israel on his mind, therefore, from Day One. It has been his No. 1 focus in foreign affairs, and what he got today was what he has wanted since the beginning. He has wanted to unleash Iran, free it from its economic shackles and permit it legally to progress toward making an atomic bomb to drop on Israel, G-d forbid, and that is not my paranoia. That is Iran’s publically broadcast, wished-for scenario.  Here is Obama getting his wish.

That the pro-U.S. Arab states in the region are fit to be tied by his behavior means nothing to him. Almost all jihadis today – and he is one of them — look upon every Arab government as not pious enough, which in every generation allows jihadis to justify their hunger for the power and wealth of a regime, using Islam as the excuse to try and topple it. In Obama’s eyes, all these pro-Western regimes may be nominally Islamic but none is so pious that it should not be overthrown.  In any case, Iran is the only country in the region within striking distance of having a bomb to destroy Israel first, then the US.

What this man and his dummy secretary of state Kerry have done is tear down every U.S. demand of the last few years; tear this sanctions regime down that brought Iran to the table. Every rational person witness to the success of the sanctions would logically want to at least continue them if not increase them to hasten an Iranian capitulation.

But what Obama did was the exact opposite. He systemically dismantled the squeeze put on Iran. From day one, before being caught red-handed in Lausanne acting like a mouthpiece for Iran, this is what Obama has pursued since he took office.

He is on their side as surely, if only temporarily, as Jane Fonda and John Kerry were when they crossed over and joined the enemy in the early 1970s. Obama has been Iran’s advocate since he took office. In the cabinet meeting on Sunday, Prime Minister Netanyahu showed a 57- second video clip from 1994 of President Bill Clinton boasting of the agreement he had reached with North Korea that would keep that country out of the A-bomb making business. Yeah, right.

Who in his right mind would think that with such as these maniacal mullahs in Teheran, now dominating four countries (Iraq, Syria, Lebanon & Yemen) in the region, it is possible to make an agreement that the Iranians would not try to violate and get around? The UN passed six resolutions in this anti-nuclearization of Iran business.  Iran never paid any attention to the UN, but here are the P5+1 countries with smiles on their faces, celebrating the signing of an agreement with this outlaw regime, these enemies of civilization, the world’s No.1 backer of criminal atrocities called terrorist attacks as if Iran will abide by whatever agreement they are celebrating today.

This makes of civilization a theater of, if not the absurd, then of the mad.

One can only imaginatively speculate on the thinking of the Germans and the French and the Brits in these negotiations. For sure, they all hunger for the lucre that renewed business with Iran will bring.  But surely, at some level of consciousness, these Europeans must factor into these talks the fact that the Jews are at big risk now. Iran wants the Bomb to destroy Israel and surely every one of these diplomats at that table in Vienna knows this. That knowledge played some role in their decision to behave as they have.

It is an old truism that may Germans will never forgive Israel for Auschwitz – for making make them feel guilty. No doubt, as opinion polls in Germany show, I imagine the younger the generation is less connected to Holocaust and that allows them to guiltlessly resume hating Jews as Germans have in every recorded generation of their Christian history.

Likewise, the Brits and the French for whom this negotiation with Iran may be payback time for making them remember the Holocaust too and their own guilt. Letting Iran proceed with its diabolical schemes may be an indirect way of getting back at the Jews for all this Holocaust memorial stuff.

In other words, how in good conscience can the Germans and the Brits and the French – the Germans of all people — sit in discussions with these lunatic Jew-haters who do not disguise their evil plans for the Jews – without getting up and walking out?

This is a very unsettling, disturbing turn of events, the participation especially of the Germans in this farce. I suppose it is inevitable. Every passing day the Holocaust recedes further into the land of inert history, so it is not surprising that Germans today are returning to their chronic nature.

Isn’t this a major part of the Tuvia Tennenbaum book, “Catch a Jew” which I have not read? I think he toodles around Germany hiding his Israeli-Jewish identity in order to expose just how widespread 1940s-style Jew-hatred remains alive and well in Deutschland.

I still connect it, though, to the madness in the West in general over sodomy as a good thing: the inability to know right from wrong in intimate matters, and the inability to look on the face of Iran and see just how evil a regime it is and how dangerous it is.

For example, in these negotiations, one topic was Iran’s refusal to permit inspections of its facilities by foreigners any time – any place, and there was an American spokesman last week arguing for Iran’s right to retain some control and privacy. After all, the United States, he said, would never agree to open up its defense establishment to foreigners like this.

I read that and thought again of the moral equivalence that is so widespread in this age of non-belief and its resurgence of paganism. The American spokesman sounded as if he judged Iran and America to be similar cultures. America, in his mind I guess, is not the good guys and the Iranians not the bad guys – as if Iran were not the world’s No. 1 state purveyor of terrorist atrocities. It is this so-called post-modernist relativism that may be just pseudo-intellectual double-talk for being unable to tell right from wrong.

This agreement is going to provide Iran with billions of dollars, and I guess we are to believe that the Iranians will put all of this windfall [said to be $150 Billion] to humanitarian and peaceful purposes. The P5+1 countries, one assumes, believe that Iran will not use this windfall to further their A-bomb program or funnel any of it to Hezb’Allah and Hamas to Jew-kill.

There is a sickness and madness loose in the world, in civilization menaced by barbarians without.

One imagines the internal confusion in the P5 +1 types who, on the one hand, surely do not look forward to a world dominated by Iran and the Muslims, but on the other hand, arming Iran with a nuclear weapon could, as the Arabs say, finish off Hitler’s work. For sure, the world today does not lack for millions, even billions of people sick in their heads when it comes to us Jews.

Yes, in the long-term, Iran can be a threat to the whole world but in the short-term, thoughts of obliterating Israel surely warm the cockles of many hearts, starting with Barack Hussein Obama and a pathological percentage of Europeans and Russians and Chinese still officially Communists and students of Karl Marx, one of the greatest Jew-haters in history.

As for the possibility of the U.S. Congress jamming the wheels of this evil juggernaut targeting Israel and ultimately the U.S. that Obama hates too, Brit Hume today on FOX said that all Obama needs, given his definition of what he is doing as yet another executive order, not a treaty that Congress has to approve, all he needs for support is one-third of either House plus one, and that is very disturbing. He does not need a majority in either House or even both Houses. All he needs is one-third plus one in one of the Houses, which calls to mind the recent report last week of Frank Luntz, the American Jewish pollster who painted a gloomy picture of contemporary Democrats. In the 20th century, we all knew that most Jews were Democrats. That was their home party along with the other so-called ethnics, the Catholic Italians and Irish and Poles and the Negroes.

While the Republicans were another country of white bread Protestants hostile to Jews and Negroes. But that was then and this is now, and if Luntz’s polling is right; if hostility to Israel is as high among Democrats as he says, the picture is not bright. Last week he found that three-quarters of highly educated, high income, publicly active Democrats, the so-called opinion elites, believe Israel has too much influence on US foreign policy and almost half of them think Israeli is a racist country and fewer than half think that Israel wants peace with its neighbors. This is classical antiJew intellection.

In any case, as John Bolton pointed out yesterday, all Congress in the best-case scenario can do is maintain the American embargo and sanctions on Iran but can do nothing to prevent Obama in the UN Security Council from voting with the majority to remove UN sanctions.

We live in interesting times.

In Israel today, one of the annoying facets of the Vienna story was the reaction of the political opposition.

No class, as usual. Boojie Herzog and Yair Lapid bad-mouthed the prime minister for allowing this agreement to happen.

I think this is another case of provincial Israelis not understanding the larger world. There are forces at work that the prime minister of Israel, indeed the whole of Israeli society, is helpless to do anything about it.

These are the dopes who think U.S.-Israel relations are bad because Bibi does not know how to be nice to the Imam in the Oval Office. They have no sense of the depths of Obama’s wickedness and his age-old, timeless Jew-hatred. Also lacking class, they don’t know that now is not the time to criticize the prime minister but line up should-to-shoulder with him.

Related to this provincialism is the Leftist propensity here to see the so-called Balestinians as victims of Israel whose hostility is therefore understandable and really curable by Israel when Israelis begin being nice to the Ancient Ones.

Take, for example, what happened last Friday in Ramallah when the commander of the Judea and Samaria Division’s Binyamin Brigade, Col. Israel Shomer, was the target of an attempted murder. Evidently, he was motoring in his car near a-Ram, which is on the edge of Ramallah on his way to the Kalandia checkpoint, when his vehicle was pelted with rocks, one of which struck a bull-eye when it hit the windshield right in front of his face and shattered it. The colonel jumped out of his car, fired warning shots as his assailants turned to run and kept running, at which point he shot one of them in the back and killed him, one Muhammad al-Casba, who was the same age as his forebear Ishmael that wild ass of a man when expelled from his kind father’s tents at age 17.

Subsequent to the attempted murder and successful self-defense, the Jewish antiJew cult called Btselem later produced a blurry video of some of the action to prove that the colonel had fired when he was not in danger, that is, after the rock throwers had started to run, and so Btselem wants to see legal proceedings against the officer for firing when he was in no danger, as regulations dictate.

To which I say this is one sick response. I have had my windshield shattered by Arabs in pretty much the same way and it is one terrifying experience. I never saw the object coming; I never saw the one who threw it. I was unarmed and not even a citizen at the time.

Today, though, I would respond as the colonel did. This was attempted murder and if the colonel had not killed this barbarian as he did, the colonel would be responsible for the man’s next rock-throwing attack and, G-d forbid, successful killing of someone.

It would have been immoral for the colonel not to shoot to kill him as he did. Or are we to institute a protocol according to which an Ishmaelite can attempt to murder a Jew with a rock like this, but then, if he turns around, the Jew can do nothing? If he turns his back, the Jew, even if armed, cannot shoot? This should be, according to Btselem, the rules of the game.

But I say, as they say in Noo Yawk, “Fuggediboudit.”

Well, we shall see tomorrow many more reactions here in Israel and world-wide to this stunning turn of events.

One can only hope the Congress of the United States beats back this initiative by the president and in addition passes some kind of resolution declaring that if this character orders his ambassadress at the UN to vote in the Security Council against Israel, the Congress of the United States will declare the decision to be null and void.

Until Thursday, G-d willing, ‘Leila tov mi Eretz Yisrael’.


Leila tov veShabbat shalom miEretz Yisrael.

Sha’i ben-Tekoa was born, raised and educated in the United States of America. He received a B.A. in Comparative Religion from Columbia University and did graduate work in same at the University of Chicago Divinity School. A traveler in Arab lands, he served in the Yom Kippur War effort of 1973. His articles on the Arab-Israeli conflict, terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, National Review, Midstream, Congress Monthly and other publications. He appeared on American Public Broadcasting’s The MacNeil-Lehrer NewsHour. In preparation for 1991’s historic Arab-Israeli peace conference in Madrid, he worked on assignment for the Office of the Prime Minister of Israel Yitzhak Shamir. He was formerly lead English language commentator for Shamir. He was formerly lead English language commentator for IsraelNationalNews.com.

Sha’i broadcasts his Internet radio commentary and music program from the hills of Judea 3 nights a week. These webcasts, other articles & videos can be seen or heard by signing up on his Website:www.deprogramprogram.com.

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Name: Gail Winston
Group: Winston Mid-East Commentary
Dateline: Bat Ayin, Gush Etzion, The Hills of Judea Israel
Cell Phone: 972-2-673-7225
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