Home > NewsRelease > GAZA WAR DIARY Tues. June 9, 2015 Day 344 6 Pm
GAZA WAR DIARY Tues. June 9, 2015 Day 344 6 Pm
Gail Winston -- Winston Mid East Analysis and Commentary Gail Winston -- Winston Mid East Analysis and Commentary
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Bat Ayin,Gush Etzion, The Hills of Judea
Tuesday, June 9, 2015


1.Barack Obama: Born Again Jew 2

by Daniel Greenfield Posted: 07 Jun 2015 07:19 PM PDT

Obama introduced himself to the nation as the son of black and white parents. He has gone back and forth between Christianity and Islam like a philanderer in a bar.

3Now he has added a third religion

and race to complete his identity politics trinity.
At the last White House Chanukah dinner, he claimed to have a Jewish soul. At a synagogue speech last month, he called himself “an honorary member of the tribe”. Now his former senior advisor has quoted him as saying, “I think I am the closest thing to a Jew that has ever sat in this office.”
Of course Barack Obama has also been Irish. He stated, “I consider myself an honorary Italian, because I love all things Italian”. Newsweek dubbed him “The First Woman President” in 2008 for “bending gender conventions” and promoted him to “The First Gay President” four years later. Cabinet Secretary Lu and Congressman Honda argued that he was “The First Asian American President”.
If you make up an ethnic group or race, by tomorrow Barack Obama will be a member of it. By next week, he will be lecturing it on why it isn’t living up to their shared values.
Obama’s Jewish toadies, like his multicultural frog pond toadies of all races and ethnicities, have been trying to sell Barack Obama as a “Born-Again Jew” for seven years.
His left-wing mentor Abner Mikva claimed during the original campaign, “When this all is over, people are going to say that Barack Obama is the first Jewish president.” But Abner hedged his bets, baptizing Obama in a Mikvah by urging him to study the speaking patterns of Baptist preachers instead.
New York Magazine put Obama on the cover under a photo-shopped Kippah as “The First Jewish President” and whined inside that, “Barack Obama is the best thing Israel has going for it right now. Why is that so difficult for Netanyahu and his American Jewish allies to understand?”
And that’s always the conclusion. Photoshop a Kippah on Obama’s head, dub him an honorary Jew and then use that to excuse his attacks on Israel.
Jerry Seinfeld accused his dentist of converting to Judaism to be able to tell Jewish jokes. Obama undergoes an honorary conversion to be able to bash Israel.
As an “honorary member of the tribe” he is entitled to all the anti-Semitic jokes and all the anti-Semitic policies he wants. When he signs off on nukes for Iran and a PLO state cut through the heart of Jerusalem accompanied by demands for the ethnic cleansing of half-a-million Jews, it’s as “The First Jewish Anti-Israel President” who cares about the Jewish State so much that he has to destroy it.
When Peter Beinart switched his career from the New Republic hawk who after September 11 wrote “The left has proved remarkably creative over the years at blaming virtually any Middle Eastern malfeasance…on the Jewish State” to the Daily Beast’s Israel basher who could blame bad weather or a lost sock in a dryer on Israel, he declared that he was bashing Israel because he was a “Liberal Zionist”.
Beinart, among others, has argued that Obama only bashes Israel because he too is a liberal Zionist.


Jeffrey Goldberg, the White House’s choice for heading up its media anti-Israel campaign to relay vital tidbits like the fact that the administration thinks Netanyahu is “Chickens__t” has been pushing the “Jewish Obama” meme the hardest. After his latest agonized interview with Obama featuring the kind of journalism usually only found when teen girls interview their movie idols for Tiger Beat, he explained that “The First Jewish President” only hated Israel because he was “The First Woody Allen President”.
Or as he put it, “Obama’s impatience with Israel, and his dislike of Netanyahu, is rooted in the fact that he is a very specific kind of Jew – an intellectual, Upper West Side, social action-oriented, anguished-about-Israel liberal values Jew.”
Not the bad kind of Jew who peers through a rifle scope on the Golan or pores over a Bible.
Obama’s finest Jewish toady was reassuring liberal Jewish tribals that the man in the White House didn’t hate Israel because he was one of “them”, but because he was one of “us”. Obama’s hatred of Israel is in the finest tradition of neurotic Manhattan liberals who can’t decide whether to bemoan Israel’s descent into nationalistic warmongering or take nude photos of their adopted Asian stepdaughters.
Or, as Woody Allen preferred it in the late nineties, both.
In his synagogue speech, Obama made the pitch that he embodies Israel’s classic leftist values of the Kibbutz and its Labor politicians. His disagreements with Israel are based on “our shared values”. He was turning the language of values commonality so often used by American politicians into appropriation.
Not only was Obama the country’s first Jewish president, but he is also its first Israeli president. He can’t be anti-Israel, because he represents Jewish and Israeli values better than Netanyahu.
The correct Jewish term for Obama contending that he is more Jewish than the Jews is “Chutzpah”.
Goldberg foresees a “civil war” between the Woody Allens and the Benjamin Netanyahus. “A civil war… between an American Jewry that has been nurtured on the values of the Civil Rights Movement, and an Israeli Jewry that has been taught, harshly, that the Middle East is not a place of mercy.”
5As entertaining as it might be to watch a boxing match between Woody Allen and Netanyahu, he has missed the real civil war. Obama does embody the Jewish values of a Goldberg or a Beinart because their Jewish identity is synonymous with the left. He equally embodies the Catholic values of Irish or Italian leftists or the Cherokee values of Elizabeth Warren. When your religious values have no religion in them, when your culture is a punchline and you want to sacrifice your heritage for an inspiring speech, then why not?
While Goldberg claims that the “anguished-about-Israel liberal values Jew” is the dominant Jewish archetype, demographics are reducing it to a minority in New York within a generation.
Even the Upper West Side is turning Modern Orthodox. And Woody Allen, whom I witnessed yelling at a white-bearded Orthodox Rabbi over the Palestinians a few decades ago, came out in defense of Israel during the last war and suggested that a lot of the criticism of Israel is disguised anti-Semitism.
When you’ve lost Woody Allen, then you’ve lost your “anguished-about-Israel liberal values Jew” vote.
The civil war has already been fought and won. Jews in the UK are voting conservative and support Netanyahu. So do the majority of Canadian and Australian Jews. Being anguished about values is a luxury for those whose synagogues aren’t being bombed and whose children aren’t being beaten.
When you have something to really agonize about, then you stop agonizing about your values.
The liberal Jews “nurtured on the values of the Civil Rights Movement” are dying out and are being replaced by Jews nurtured on the values of the Bible. They see no contradiction between Jewish values and a Jewish State because their values come not from the Torah of Tikkun Olam, but the Torah of Moses and Joshua, of King David and King Solomon, of Maimonides and the Maccabees.
Obama appears confident that American Jews will accept him as more Jewish than the Jewish State, but Romney picked up the most Jewish votes since Reagan and Jewish midterm support for Democrats fell 21 percent in eight years. As his pal Bill Ayers, who recently called for a boycott of Israel, could tell him, “You don’t need a Weatherman. To know which way the wind blows.”
Goldberg insists that “Obama is asking Israel (pleading with Israel, in fact) to be… more Jewish.”
And Obama’s way of trying to make Israel more Jewish is by denouncing Jews for building houses in Jerusalem. Similarly “Liberal Zionists” denounce Netanyahu for wanting Israel to be a “Jewish State” because they want it to live up to the Jewish values of Barack Obama, Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright.
It’s all a matter of definitions.

6To the Goldbergs, making Israel more Jewish means making it less Jewish. By surrendering land to terrorists, expelling Jews from their homes, dividing up Jerusalem and giving up on a Jewish State, Israel will become more “Jewish”. And when its last Jewish Prime Minister, Mohammed Hussein Osama, informs them that Jewish values demand the end of Israel, they will applaud him for his Jewishness.
The other way of being Jewish is by having Jews live in a Jewish State where they speak the Jewish language and live lives based on thousands of years of Jewish tradition, heritage and religion.
The left’s values are self-nullifying. They destroy whatever they touch. The American left must destroy America for the sake of “American values”. The Catholic left must destroy the Catholic Church. The Jewish left must destroy Jews. Its idea of Jewish values is unmaking Jews, Judaism and the Jewish State.
The left has boldly appropriated Jewish values and identity. It has tried to pass off its politics as Tikkun Olam and the Democratic Party as the new synagogue. The Judaization of Obama is the last effort by a discredited ideology to fool its followers into believing that its anti-Jewishness is Jewish.
The Yiddish description of a hypocritical fraud is “As Kosher as a pig’s foot.” Obama supporters who partake of his particular set of Jewish values are unlikely to be familiar enough with the Bible to understand the significance of a pig’s split hoof, the Midrashic tale of the pig that stretches out its cloven hooves and squeals, “See how Kosher I am” or even the Kosher status of a pig.
But those Jews who do, recognize “The First Jewish President” for the Kosher pig hoof that he is.

Daniel Greenfield is a New York City based writer and blogger and a Shillman Journalism Fellow of the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

Barack Obama: Born Again Jew by Daniel Greenfield

2.Arlene Kushner: “Fighting with Head High” June 8, 2015

“Imagine if there was a country you had no personal connection to, that people accused of being an apartheid state. This state was constantly condemned all over the world, and in the UN, for war crimes and human rights violations. Imagine if this country was claimed to be founded on colonialist principles, and was accused of systematic racism.
”In its defense, this state simply emphasized the fact that it is a leader in hi-tech and innovation, and that it invented things such as the cherry tomato, ICQ and the flash drive.

”Whose side would you be on? This is Israel’s image as seen in today’s world. (Emphasis added here and throughout this article)
”When thinking about the Jewish state’s public diplomacy, one must think about what the unengaged, ordinary person sees, not what the educated activist sees. Today, Israel is violently attacked by its haters through vicious delegitimization campaigns; these are of course based on lies, but the ordinary, unengaged person does not necessarily know that. Israel’s response to this campaign is simply unconvincing.
Israel needs to refocus its message and debunk the lies thrown at it, such as these accusations of war crimes, apartheid and racism. It must cultivate a parallel ethical discourse, one that is no less passionate than the one promoted by the supporters of the Palestinians [Arabs], based on the principles of freedom, historical justice and legal justice. This discourse is the only way to compete with the lies thrown at Israel because, although they are lies, they base themselves on the deepest levels of human conscience and cannot be rejected without proposing an alternative ethical foundation.
”The moral case for Israel is a strong one; however, no one seems to be making it. As such, a moral person who doesn’t actively educate himself on the conflict is fed a narrative which leads him to oppose Israel virulently.”


These words were written by Dan Illouz, for his column in the Jerusalem Post.

7 Dan Illouz Credit: Times of Israel

In his piece, he cites Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Tzipi Hotovely, who recently said:

“Many times it seems that in our international relations, more than emphasizing the rightness of our cause, we are asked to use arguments that play well diplomatically.
But at a time when the very existence of Israel is being called into question, it is important to be right. The international community deals with considerations of justice and morality. We need to return to the basic truth of our right to this land. This country is ours, all of it.”

Concludes Illouz:

After years of going around in circles and trying to find diplomatic ways to get the world to love Israel without actually claiming the rights which are…ours, Hotovely asked that we start talking about these rights again.
The only way the world is going to accept Israel is if it believes Israel has a right to exist. As long as Israel is afraid to talk about its legal, historical and moral rights to its land, the world will keep on questioning its existence and will move closer to the Palestinians, who are not afraid to speak about their claim to the land.

At the end of the day, the question of Israel’s legitimacy comes down to the legal issue: Does Israel have a legal basis for its presence in Judea and Samaria? Israel can try to justify its stance with security concerns, but this will only bring the world to the conclusion that Israel had good reasons to temporarily break the law. The world will still see Israel as a state that is breaking the law, and in the long term it will not be able to accept this. After a few years, the world will say: ‘If you keep breaking the law, then despite whatever reason you might claim to have, you are still a criminal.’
The truth is that Israel has an outstanding legal case to make about its right to the entire Land of Israel, including Judea and Samaria...”

Now, the above is an excellent article, which I would have cited and encouraged you to share in any event. You’ve heard some of this before from me, as I’ve praised Hotovely for her forthrightness, and expressed despair about our prime minister’s tendency to resort to “security” as the rationale for retaining land in Judea and Samaria. This well articulated piece carries the message clarity.

And…as it happens, its author – a savvy lawyer who “gets it” – is working with our Legal Grounds Campaign, doing Knesset education. We are determined to make good things happen. And I wanted to give my readers a sense of who we have working with us.

Before moving on then, I want to urge you to log on to our website – http://israelrights.com . Start by joining the campaign (no cost – we need names for maximum impact), if you have not yet done so, and encouraging others to do the same. Then access information on the site about Israel’s legal rights (there’s great information) so that you can do your part to defend Israel from an informed position.


The campaign for the delegitimization of Israel, the BDS campaign, etc. is in full swing. We seem to be confronting more attacks every day.

By way of example, there was the recent outrage associated with Orange, the French telecommunications (cell phone) firm. Orange CEO Stephane Richard declared that if it were possible, he would cut relations with Israel “tomorrow”: there was talk about severing ties with Partner, the Israeli subsidiary of Orange, licensed to carry the corporation’s name.

Ultimately Richard backed down and has how been invited to visit Israel. But his pullback on his original position would not have come about without a very public and strong response from the Israeli government – including a call to the French government to condemn the boycott.

This is key: the days of shrugging off the BDS movement as a minor annoyance are over, and the Israeli government is taking a different stance.

Eugene Kontorovich, a law professor at Northwestern University, an expert on international law – and, incidentally, a member of Legal Ground Campaign’s Legal Advisory Board – has just written an enlightening article that touches upon the Orange issue.

Kontorovich has, for some time now, taken the brilliant tack of examining how the world relates to situations similar to what Israel is coping with, in other places. This is a perspective that is quite valuable.

After the CEO of Orange made his statement, the French Ambassador to the US Gerard Araud put out on twitter: “4th Geneva convention : settlement policy in occupied territories is illegal. It is illegal to contribute to it in any way.”

To this, Kontorovich responded (emphasis added):

“Perhaps the most instructive aspect of this was the reaction of Amb. Araud, when I pointed out to him that his legal claim is baseless, and squarely contradicted by France’s own courts in recent decisions involving Israel, which held the Geneva Conventions flatly inapplicable to private companies. [That is, even if, which is not the case, Israel were operating in defiance of the Geneva Conventions in Judea and Samaria, it would not be illegal for private companies to do business there.] It is also contradicted by the opinions the U.N. Security Council Legal Advisor, the EU Parliament’s legal advisor, and the U.K. Supreme Court, and more.

“The Orange incident, and the Ambassador’s legal claim, are also bad news for a number of French companies, like the oil giant Total, which is active in Moroccan-occupied Western Sahara against the vociferous protests of the indigenous Sawahari people. (There are many other examples, like Michelin in Turkish-occupied Cyprus.) The French government has never criticized any of these controversial activities in any way. But if the Ambassador’s legal claim is right, he has provided the basis for war crimes prosecutions of France’s leading executives….

“Amb. Araud responded to my question by revealing that he had no idea one of his country’s largest companies was engaged in an major project that, by his account, is a war crime.

The Ambassador, after blocking me, revealed that his international law claims are not really about international law:

“’I speak of one occupied territory. I am answered on other territories. I conclude that everybody agrees on what I say on the former.’

[Translation: Don’t tell me about Morocco occupying the Western Sahara, where French companies do business. I am speaking only about Judea and Samaria, and everyone agrees that it’s not right to do business there.]

“In other words, [not fair] to cite precedents and practice. But of course, if you are talking about international law, ‘other territories’ are entirely relevant. First, for something to be law, it has to be a rule that applies to similar situations. And for it to be international, well, those situations will involve different countries.

“What the French apparently want is, to paraphrase Stalin, international law for one country. Ok. But don’t call it international. And don’t call it law.


9 Eugene Kontorovich, a law professor at Northwestern University, an expert on international law Credit: Northwestern University

Right on, Eugene! My friends, book mark this article for future reference.

On Saturday night, at least one rocket was launched from Gaza into southern Israel, in the area of Ashkelon. No injuries, no damage resulted. On Sunday, Israel retaliated by hitting some four terrorist sites in Gaza – no one was injured in those attacks either. Minister of Defense Ya’alon also gave the order to shut down the Erez and Kerem Shalom crossings into Gaza, except for humanitarian aid. http://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-said-to-hit-gaza-in-retaliation-for-rocket-attack/

Just days before, Ya’alon had said, quite clearly, that “we will not tolerate a drizzle.” http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4664831,00.html

Well… what is currently going on is just that: a drizzle of rockets. One here, one there. What is more, a statement from the IDF indicated: “The Hamas terrorist organization is the address and the one on whom the responsibility falls.” This has been Israeli policy – holding Hamas, which is in control of Gaza, responsible no matter which group – most often it has been Islamic Jihad – launches the rockets.

And so something of a hue and cry went up from the opposition, demanding to know when the government was going to act with firmness against Hamas. Certainly hitting empty launching fields was not going to do it. And it was the opinion of at least one analyst not long ago, that Hamas leaders were just as happy to have IJ launch a rocket now and then – they could claim “innocence” while keeping Israel off balance.

But now information has surfaced that possibly changes the equation:

It’s not Islamic Jihad that has been responsible for the latest “drizzle of rockets,” but a radical jihadi-Salafi group that calls itself the Omar Hadid Brigades. I had alluded recently to radical groups that might end up making Hamas look a bit like “peace now.” Not quite, but close. The Brigades, with ISIS affiliation, would like to take over from Hamas in Gaza, and, it is thought, are utilizing the rocket attacks to encourage an Israeli attack on Hamas. They want Israel to do their work for them.

Groups such as this one are eager for Gaza to be used to open another front in the jihad caliphate movement – they don’t like Hamas’s identification with Palestinian Arab nationalism.

Hamas, for its part, is too beaten down, according to this information, to have any desire to take on Israel. And Hamas is actually arresting members of the Brigades in an attempt to control the situation.



It does seem to be the case that Hamas is not ready to take on Israel now. But I hasten to correct any misimpression with regard to Hamas becoming “moderate” and peaceful. They are simply biding time, and preparing for the next confrontation. Very recently, for example, Hamas paved a road adjacent to the Gaza border with Israel. According to Fathi Hammad, a former Hamas interior minister, the road was intended “to create for ourselves convenient opportunities to attack the Zionist enemy.”


At the same time, Hamas regularly tests their rockets, shooting into the Mediterranean, in order to determine their accuracy.

What Israel seeks is a weakened Hamas – too weak to attack, but strong enough to control the jidhadi groups.

Conclusion: a vastly complex situation requiring sharp intelligence, thoughtful planning, an ever-ready army, and a crystal ball.

I wrote the other day about the possibility that Syrian Druze near the Golan may yet flee into Israel. Now we have this from Ayoob Kara (Likud), himself a Druze, and Deputy Minister for Regional Cooperation: “The State of Israel is acting on behalf of the Syrian Druze. These matters are being carried out quietly, and without publicity.” http://www.algemeiner.com/2015/06/05/israel-is-secretly-protecting-druze-community-in-syria-hints-likud-lawmaker/

© Arlene Kushner. This material is produced by Arlene Kushner, functioning as an independent journalist. Permission is granted for it to be reproduced only with proper attribution. If it is reproduced and emphasis is added, the fact that it has been added must be noted. See my website at www.arlenefromisrael.info Contact Arlene at akushner18@gmail.com

Arlene Kushner: “Fighting with Head High”

3.Security, yes, but National Patrimony is not Negotiable by Victor Sharpe Finally, proclaim Jews’ rightful and millennial ties to their ancestral homeland. Arutz Sheva IsraelNationalNews.com Published June 07, 2015 9:08 AM

10Victor Sharpe is a prolific freelance writer with many published articles in leading national and international conservative websites and magazines. Born and educated in England, he has been a broadcaster and has authored several books including a collection of short stories under the title The Blue Hour. His three-volume set of in-depth studies on the threats from resurgent Islam to Israel, the West and to Judeo-Christian civilization is titled, Politicide: The Attempted Murder of the Jewish State. www.amazon.com.

“Then said Satan: This besieged one, how shall I overcome him?
He has courage and ability, he has weapons and imagination.

“So He said: I shall not take his strength, nor muzzle nor bridle him.
Nor soften nor weaken his hands, only one thing I shall do;

“I shall dull his brain and he will forget that he is in the right.”

So wrote the Israeli poet, Natan Alterman, in his poem, Gone like a Dream. He was expressing his deep anxiety over the weakening resolve of Jews in Israel and in the Diaspora to proclaim Jewish historical rights throughout the reconstituted Jewish homeland.

This inevitably led to a fateful abandonment by so many Israeli politicians and successive governments to the paramount need of responding effectively to Arab and pro-Arab propaganda, which sought to deny the reconstituted Jewish state every inch of sovereign ancestral Jewish land from the Mediterranean Sea to the River Jordan and delegitimize Jerusalem as Israel’s united capital.

For 48 long years, since the liberation of east Jerusalem and biblical Jewish Judea and Samaria from illegal Jordanian occupation – territory the world grotesquely prefers to call the West Bank – the beloved Jewish heartland has remained in a political limbo and not fully annexed. Instead, too much has been sinfully abandoned.

Israel’s foolish failure to declare again and again its historical and ancestral patrimony in its own biblical, physical and spiritual homeland has allowed a hostile world to thus assume that Israel itself does not believe it has legal or indigenous sovereignty in its own territory or in its capital, Jerusalem.

Like Moshe Dayan’s calamitous decision to give away the keys of the Temple Mount to the Jordanian Muslim Waqf, this betrayal of the holiest Jewish site, along with the Jewish heartland of Judea and Samaria, has become a living nightmare for Israel.

Israeli leaders and politicians always emphasize the security needs of the Jewish state to foreign governments and the international media, but fatefully neglect to underscore the ancestral, spiritual, native and indigenous Jewish ties to the Land; inextricable ties spanning millennia, which no other people possess.

Both acts of searing stupidity could so easily have been avoided, but the seeming need by so many on the left in Israel to appease and placate the international corridors of power by portraying Israel as willing to abandon the G-d given land and betray its own history, all for the sake of a delusional peace, has had tragic consequences for the Jewish state.

It is this failure which has encouraged and largely led to the growing and pernicious power of the BDS movement along with the dire threat of international isolation of Israel.

Jew haters cannot contain their infernal glee at the prospect of destroying the Jewish state by forcing upon it the illegitimate birth of yet another Arab and Muslim entity wrenched out of what little remains of the Land of Israel. Is Gaza not enough?

Biblical Jewish Judea and Samaria would be lost yet again and a Muslim Arab terror state that has never existed in all of recorded history, and which arrogates to itself the name Palestine, would emerge as a terminal cancer eating away at the Jewish state.

Israel’s abject failure to claim and reinforce its empirical rights to all the Land of Israel has allowed the fraudulent Arabs who call themselves Palestinians to write their criminal and fabricated script, which a hostile world now eagerly embraces.

Many pro-Israel individuals continue fighting alone and unaided against an unremitting and hostile media world that would happily consign Israel to the abyss.

They face an overwhelming onslaught – not of military might – but from a war of false and contrived words, however twisted those words are.

The success of those anti-Israel and anti-Jewish lies can be in large part levelled at the inability and failure of the majority of Israeli politicians to proudly proclaim the eternal sovereignty of the Jewish people in its own land – fearlessly rejecting any and all Arab and Muslim claims to Israel.

The Muslim Arabs and their supporters have learned this lesson all too well, for they have succeeded in doing what years of Arab and Islamist warfare and terror have failed to do. They have isolated the Jewish state as never before and won millions around the globe to their cause by demonizing Israel with the Goebbles-ian technique of the Big Lie.

The result is a cascade of anti-Jewish and anti-Israel NGOs swarming over the Jewish homeland like human locusts, aided and abetted by European governments, by the U.S. State Department, by many within liberal churches such as the Quakers and Presbyterians, and by the kapos of our time, J-Street, the New Israel Fund, and individual self-hating Jews who spew their slimy malevolence in the colleges and universities of America, Europe and Britain.

To return to the words of Natan Alterman. Satan is indeed busy. He hates the light of Israel. He hates the creativity, the progress and the freedoms that Israel spreads throughout the world.

Above all, he hates the reconstituted Land of Israel and in particular the precious Jewish heartland of Judea and Samaria. So he has dulled the intellect of so many in Israel’s governments and led them along the dead end path of the peace process, forcing them to taste the bitter fruits of appeasement.

There is an urgent need to overcome profound ignorance in a world fast succumbing to a false Arab narrative that would leave ancestral Jewish land deserted and in the hands of thieves.

The dark forces of Arab and Islamic hate, along with the legions of duped non-Muslim supporters in the West, will not prevail if leading members of the Israeli government forcefully emphasize

the unassailable historic right of the Jewish people, bar none, to the ancient Jewish homeland.

Israeli leaders can do this by no longer displaying a fatal and suicidal willingness for territorial compromise in the discredited Oslo peace process and by finally possessing all of the G-d given covenanted land.

Israel must proclaim unremittingly to all the media mavens, be they the haughty BBC talking heads, the leftist apparatchiks of NPR, and all the clueless U.S. mainstream media drones about the biblical, ancestral, spiritual and physical Jewish roots in the reconstituted homeland.

They must be told again and again that Jewish restoration in its own native land did not germinate during the long exile because of European persecution, whether in the Holocaust or the Catholic Inquisition, or in the systematic slaughter of Jews during the Crusades and the Russian pogroms. It began four thousand years earlier in Genesis, Chapter 12.

It is this millennial and inextricable association with the Land that both Israeli leaders and pro-Israel supporters must proclaim relentlessly until the army of duped sceptics, who for so long have drunk the fraudulent ‘Palestinian’ Kool Aid, finally wake up.

True, many still will not, but it will not be for the lack of Israel and its supporters trying.

The hope is that many throughout the world – of all faiths or none – will more than ever be educated finally in the eternity of Israel; that the Jewish people alone have sovereignty from the Great Sea to the Jordan River, even unto Gilead, and that the Jewish People are not “foreign conquerors or settlers” in their own ancestral and biblical land.

Let us also hope that Natan Alterman’s great fear expressed in the words of Satan, “I shall dull his brain and he will forget that he is in the right,” will never come true.

Victor Sharpe is a prolific freelance writer and author of Volumes One, Two, and Three of Politicide: The attempted murder of the Jewish state. His books may be purchased or downloaded on line from the publisher www.lulu.com or from www.amazon.com

Security, yes, but National Patrimony is not Negotiable

4.Netanyahu: It’s Not Too Late to Prevent a Bad Deal with Iran

PM Netanyahu says the West should show “patience and resolve” in order to reach a better deal with Iran. By Elad Benari

First Publish: 6/8/2015, 12:15 AM 11

It is not too late to stop a bad nuclear deal between Iran and the West, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told the Jerusalem Post Annual Conference in New York City, in remarks made via video conference.

“Israel has no better friend in the world than the United States. And the United States has no better friend than Israel. I want to thank President Obama, the Congress and the American people for all they have done for Israel’s security,” Netanyahu said.

“But,” he continued, “even the closest of friends can respectfully disagree about issues of international security. And of these, none is more important to Israel, to the stability of the Middle East and to the peace of the world, than the threat posed by Iran’s nuclear program.”

“Preventing Iran from being able to build nuclear weapons is the preeminent challenge of our generation,” stressed Netanyahu. “We must understand that Iran doesn’t just threaten the destruction of Israel; it is conquering huge swaths of the Middle East as it seeks to export its Islamic revolution across the globe.”

“Today,” noted the prime minister, “Iran’s campaign of aggression engulfs the entire Middle East: Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon, Gaza, Syria, Libya, elsewhere. Today, Iran is sponsoring worldwide terrorism in the Middle East, in Asia, in Africa, in Europe, in North and South America. Today, Iran is conducting an unprecedented conventional arms build-up: drones, rockets, satellites, submarines, precision guided missiles and other lethal weapons. And in recent months Iran has supplied increasingly sophisticated weapons to its terrorist proxies: to Hezbollah, to Hamas, to Islamic Jihad, the Houthis in Yemen and others. Today, Iran conducts cyber-attacks against Israel, its Arab neighbors and the West.”

“Iran is doing all this today without nuclear weapons. Think of what Iran would do tomorrow with nuclear weapons,” warned Netanyahu.

The framework reached between the sides in April, Netanyahu said, “paves Iran’s way to produce the enriched uranium for an entire arsenal of nuclear weapons. That’s the inevitable outcome if Iran keeps the deal. If they decide to break the deal, they can get to the bomb much sooner. The deal also gives Iran tens of billions of dollars immediately, and hundreds of billions of dollars in the coming years.”

He called for “patience and resolve, to hold out for a better deal, one that will actually block Iran’s path to the bomb, one that will tie the lifting of restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program to changes in Iranian behavior.”

“A better deal is still possible. It’s not too late,” said Netanyahu.

Netanyahu: It’s Not Too Late to Prevent a Bad Deal with Iran

5.EU warns Iran: No deal without UN probe

EU demands that Iran cooperate with U.N.’s atomic agency probe before June 30 target date for deal between Iran and world powers • Agency chief says it is possible to clarify military aspects of Iran’s nuclear program if interim agreement is implemented.

News Agencies and Israel Hayom Staff

Satellite i12

The European Union has warned Iran that if it wants a nuclear deal that would remove sanctions, it must cooperate with a stalled U.N. probe of its suspected work on nuclear weapons.

The cautionary EU statement comes ahead of a June 30 target date for such an agreement. It was obtained by The Associated Press ahead of its delivery at a meeting of the U.N.’s International Atomic Energy Agency that opened Monday.

Iran has been stalling an investigation by the IAEA, the U.N.’s nuclear watchdog, into its nuclear program. The probe is running in parallel to talks between Iran and six world powers designed to reach a nuclear agreement that would see Iran abandon its nuclear weapons aspirations.

Iran denies any work on — or interest in — nuclear arms, and has fended off IAEA demands for cooperation with its investigation. The EU statement said getting to the bottom of the allegations “will be essential” to a nuclear deal.

Iran also would have to accept limits on its present nuclear activities.

Meanwhile, IAEA director Yukiya Amano said Monday that it would be possible to clarify the suspected military dimensions of Iran’s nuclear program if Iran implements the preliminary agreement reached in Lausanne in early April.

“I am confident that the clarification of issues with possible military dimensions is possible within a reasonable time frame if Iran implements the measures envisaged in the Lausanne announcement,” Amano said.

EU warns Iran: No deal without UN probe

6.Former security officials accused of preventing strike on Iran

Jerusalem Post columnist Caroline Glick accuses former Mossad chief Meir Dagan and former IDF chief Gabi Ashkenazi of interfering with Israeli plans to strike Iran • Claim “insulting,” says Ashkenazi • “We never disobeyed an order,” says Dagan. By Yoni Hersch

Watch “JPost Annual Conference: Caroline Glick attacks Dagan and Ashkenazi” on YouTube June 7, 2015


+ 30 minutes of Caroline at JPost’s 2013 Conference! She’s always superb!!

mer Mossad chief Meir Dagan and former IDF chief Gabi Ashkenazi the Jerusalem Post Annual Conference in New York on Sunday


Photo credit: 13

Former Mossad chief Meir Dagan and former IDF Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi were accused during a panel discussion in New York on Sunday of interfering with Israel’s plans to strike Iran.

Former head of the National Security Council Maj. Gen. (res.) Uzi Dayan and Maj. Gen. (res.) Giora Island also participated in the panel, at the Jerusalem Post Annual Conference in New York, where one of the paper’s columnists, Caroline Glick, claimed Dagan and Ashkenazi had prevented a military strike on the Islamic republic.

Denying her claim, Dagan told her, “You were not there, you don’t know what happened there.” He added that they had “never disobeyed an order” from the prime minister.

Dagan further said that the conversation Glick had referenced was one in which he had told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that in order for an attack on Iran to be planned, the cabinet would need to approve the massive call-up of reservists that would be necessary.

He added that had those legally required steps been taken, the security officials would have moved forward with the orders. What happened instead, he said, was that after presenting various strike scenarios and their consequences, Netanyahu decided against the attack.

Ashkenazi confirmed what Dagan said, reiterating that “there was never a decision [to strike Iran].” He called Glick’s assertion “insulting.”

Former security officials accused of preventing strike on Iran


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