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Medicare Supplement Insurance Association Posts Free Video
American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance
Los Angeles, CA
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Sell Medicare Supplement Insurance
Video Clip: Click to Watch

A free video featuring an interview with one of California's top MedSupp insurance professionals is being made available by the American Association for Medicare Supplement Insurance.

"We recorded a full day of interviews and sessions at the 2015 National Selling Medicare Supplement Insurance Summit and are now offering free access to view one of the programs," explains Jesse Slome, director of the trade group and the conference architect.

The 10-minute video features an interview with Susan Hatch one of the nation's leading Med Supp agents.  "Susan works in a relatively small community and yet she manages to fill her seminars and walk out with applications in hand," Slome explains.  "She freely shares what she does as I interview her."

Access to watch the video is free and viewable on any device with Internet access.  "If an agent likes what they see, they can access the complete conference program recordings for online viewing," Slome adds.

The Association announced a special 20% discount code for those interested in ordering any conference program recordings.   Enter code AAM20 as part of the check out process.

To view the free video and access the nation's leading On Demand library of insurance conference recordings, go to http://goo.gl/qXi5D1

The American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance http://www.aaltci.org is the national trade organization focused on educating individuals about the importance of planning for the risk of long term care.  The American Association for Medicare Supplement Insurance http://www.medicaresupp.org focuses on Medigap industry issues and helps link consumers with Medicare Supplement agents.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Jesse Slome
Title: Executive Director
Group: American Association for Long Term Care Insurance
Dateline: Westlake Village, CA United States
Direct Phone: 818-597-3227
Main Phone: 818-597-3227
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