Home > NewsRelease > GAZA WAR DIARY Tues. Night & Wed. April 21 & 22, 2015 Day 285-6 Yom HaZikaron 2015
GAZA WAR DIARY Tues. Night & Wed. April 21 & 22, 2015 Day 285-6 Yom HaZikaron 2015
Gail Winston -- Winston Mid East Analysis and Commentary Gail Winston -- Winston Mid East Analysis and Commentary
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Bat Ayin,Gush Etzion, The Hills of Judea
Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Dear Family & Friends,

Yom HaZikaron begins with a 2 minute siren at 8 pm tonight. Have to get ready. And another one at 11 am tomorrow morning.

I want to honor our fallen heroes & heroines who were murdered by Terror this year. I only have a few stories but, we need to have an ongoing collections of their pictures & stories. Their whole life must be commemorated! Please view my small collection of first hand stories in #3.

Have a peaceful day. For those who have close ones who have died, please accept our wishes: “Be comforted among the builders of Zion”. “Let their names be for a blessing & May G-d avenge their blood.”

All the very best, Gail/Geula/Savta/Savta Raba x 2/Mom

Our Website has deep reading: WinstonIsraelInsight.com

1.’This is how we remember our fallen’

2.Israel’s bleeding wound by Dov Kalmanovich


4.Commentary from Gail Winston: We have so many heroes, unsung & ‘sung’

1.’This is how we remember our fallen’

National Insurance Institute creates website “Le’ad” (“Forever”) listing the 4,079 citizens and residents of Israel who have been killed in terrorist attacks since the days of the first aliyah in 1882 • Schools prepare for Memorial Day on Wednesday.

Lilach Shoval, Yael Branovsky and Itsik Saban


IDF Chief of General Staff Lt. Gen. Gadi Eizenkot on Sunday attended the annual ceremony in which Israeli flags are placed on the graves of all the country’s fallen soldiers ahead of Wednesday’s Memorial Day for Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terrorism.

Customarily, the Israel Defense Forces chief places a flag on the grave of the most recently fallen soldier. Last year, the ceremony sparked controversy when the newest fallen soldier, whose Judaism was called into question, was not buried in the main section of the Mount Herzl military cemetery and was overlooked in the flag-laying ceremony. Since then, the IDF has changed its policy and all fallen soldiers are entitled to be buried in the same section.

Once the IDF chief places the flag on the freshest grave, the rest of the fallen soldiers’ graves are also adorned with flags. The task is to be completed by the time of Wednesday’s memorial service. Flowers and memorial candles are placed on each grave, as well.

Israel Police Commissioner Insp. Gen. Yohanan Danino, Israel Prison Services Commissioner Aharon Franco, head of the Families and Commemoration Department at the Defense Ministry Aryeh Moalem, Yad Labanim Chairman Eli Ben-Shem, and IDF Widows and Orphans Organization Chairman Nava Shoham-Solan all attended the ceremony on Mount Herzl.

“We come here today, as [we do] every year, to lay the Israeli flag on graves of the fallen,” Eizenkot said Sunday.

“This is our way of remembering the fallen, our way of expressing our gratitude and our longing for our comrades in arms, who paid with their lives to defend the country they loved.

“Dear families, no one can fully understand the pain you are going through, pain that has not lessened with time. All we can do is offer our earnest support and promise that the Israel Defense Forces will continue to stand beside you and back you however possible. We will continue to stand with you as we miss the men and women that are no longer here with us. May the memory of the fallen be blessed.”

Moalem also spoke, telling the audience, “I pledge to you, the families, that we will continue [providing support] after the siren has sounded, after the flags are raised to full mast again, after the memorial candles go out, and after the holiday becomes a work day. It is our duty and what we strive for.”

The Israel Police held a ceremony at Mount Herzl for the own fallen on Sunday. By Wednesday, each of the 1,431 fallen police officers’ graves will have a flag placed on it.

2,538 civilians killed

The National Insurance Institute released a report ahead of Memorial Day on the number of civilians killed in Israel in terrorist attacks. Since Jan. 1, 1950, 2,538 civilians, including 122 foreign nationals, have been killed in terror attacks. Since Independence Day 2014, 31 civilians have been killed.

Institute Director Professor Shlomo Mor Yosef said, “The NII sees treatment and rehabilitation of terror attack victims and bereaved families as a national duty and continues to preserve the legacy of the fallen.”

Yosef said that in 2014 the institute paid 495 million shekels ($126 million) in pensions and compensation to victims of terrorist attacks and bereaved families.

The institute has also created a website titled “Le’ad” (“Forever”), which tells the stories of the 4,079 residents and citizens who have been killed in terrorist attacks since the days of the first aliyah in 1882. This year the institute added the locations of 3,095 graves of those fallen to the site.

Israel’s school system is preparing for Wednesday’s Memorial Day, one of the most meaningful days for the schools and society as a whole. Memorial programs and activities will be held on Memorial Day and the days preceding it.

“The programs and activities are meant to strengthen the bond between the personal and national memory and contribute to national resilience,” said Yael Nizri, representative for the Education Ministry’s Youth and Society Administration. “If before we studied wars from a certain perspective of distance, this year the subject has become much more raw. Furthermore, the digital world we live in today gives us access to many more stories and the ability to learn more about those who fell.”

On Memorial Day, the country will also pay its respects to the Bedouin who have died in Israel’s wars. Youth leaders in the Bedouin community plan to take active part in ceremonies, memorials and marches in their honor.

‘This is how we remember our fallen’

2.Israel’s bleeding wound 2 by Dov Kalmanovich

Holocaust Remembrance Day is behind us, and Tuesday evening we will mark the start of Memorial Day for the Fallen Soldiers of Israel and Victims of Terrorism. This progression, so very Israeli, floods every one of us with memories and thoughts of loved ones. It seems that there is not a single person in Israel who doesn’t know a bereaved family, or someone who was killed or wounded in battle, or wounded in a terrorist attack. These days are a bleeding wound for all of us.

For me, Memorial Day is especially significant. Twenty-six years ago, my life changed. It was just a day like any other. I was on my way home to Beit El when a young terrorist threw a Molotov cocktail at my car. I was critically wounded. I suffered serious burns all over my body, and if it hadn’t been for a good person who stopped and helped me immediately, these words could not have been written.

The recovery was long and difficult, but I kept one goal in sight: to resume my full capacity, to return to my former, normal life. Very few people wounded as seriously as I was go back to work and their other former activities. I saw great value in doing so, both for myself and for my children. It was important to me that they see their father return to his life, busy and active, and see that terrorism could not keep him down. It was important to me to teach them to have pride in their “unit,” thus helping them with the sometimes brutal process of dealing with other children and questions about what happened.

Beyond the personal challenge, I saw and still see rehabilitation as a personal promise after the wounds and the trauma, a promise to Israeli society. The understanding and acknowledgment that my story is not only a personal one but also part of a decades-long national struggle that began before the State of Israel was founded forced me to hold my head up and rejoin the living. Beyond that, the important message is to contribute something to society, to keep contributing to the nation, and not become a burden who only looks out for his own rights.

As a person who was wounded in a terrorist attack, I am especially aware of the ceremonies that are part of the official Memorial Day. They have great importance for the bereaved families, the families of terrorism victims and for the people of Israel as a whole. These past few years, the nation’s leadership has expanded to include members of various immigrant groups, the national-religious sector and other populations who all make up the colorful mosaic that is so unique to Israel. The cultural content of Memorial Day should develop to reflect the fact that these groups have also become central to society. Their worlds should be reflected.

We — the ones wounded by terrorism, soldiers out of uniform, soldiers in the national struggle to live here, in this land, a struggle that has gone on for years and pre-dates the state itself — we need Memorial Day. For us, every day is Memorial Day. This week, we will unite with the fallen and the wounded soldiers and remember: Our strength lies in unity.

Dov Kalmanovich is deputy mayor of Jerusalem.

Israel’s bleeding wound by Dov Kalmanovich


Our son was one of the First Responders to the Gush Etzion ramming & stabbing murder of Dalia Lemkos, 26 from Tekoa. Monday November 10th. Here, in brief is his firsthand account:

“I am a medic who gets a beeper to emergencies. Monday November 10th I got a beeper while in Shul to the Alon Shvut bus station. I was there in 2 minutes. A car was jammed up on the walkway, stopped by the concrete barriers after having hit several people waiting for a bus.

“A girl was lying on the ground bleeding. And a man. David Deutsch, senior paramedic from Alon Shvut was already treating the wounded as was a female army paramedic. The ambulance arrived some minutes later & we continued working with their medics. They put her in their Mobile Intensive Care unit.

“I knew the man from my town, Bat Ayin. His name was never mentioned in any of the news reports that I saw & I think it should be, because he was a real hero of the day.”

“His name is Yeshayahu (Shaya) Horowitz, 26 year old Army medic. As I worked on his wounds, he told me that he had passed by, saw what looked like an auto accident. Stopped. Saw the Terrorist stabbing the girl! He shot the guy in the leg but, that didn’t stop him. Then his gun jammed. He slammed the guy on the head with his gun – hard! That didn’t stop him. The Terrorist was huge & very strong. The Terrorist stabbed Shay 10 times!!! Shay knew he couldn’t stop trying to get the knife away. He told his parents that he said to himself:

‘I’m a Jew in Eretz Yisrael. I can’t let him win. I can’t stop trying to get that knife away from him because then he’ll just keep stabbing the other people at this bus stop – (two of whom he had already rammed with his car & knifed). I have to win! I grabbed the knife out of his hand with my hand & was standing over him. Then the guard from Alon Shvut ran up shouting: ‘Who’s the Mechabel (terrorist)?’ Shaya shouted: “The man in the black jacket.” The guard shot him in the chest.”

“The Police came. Arrested him. Took him away…In what condition? I don’t know. I was working on Shaya at that time.”

“Shaya had at least 10 stab wounds, including the deep one on his hand. But he didn’t know he was in really dangerous condition from blood loss, etc. He kept trying to get up. He asked me to take a picture of him. He was joking with me. He insisted I take his picture. Was he serious? I thought he was.” I visited him in the hospital the next night, Tuesday, November 11th.”

B”H, he’s home now with his beautiful family – looking very good on this Yom HaZikaron!”

The third victim at the Gush Etzion stop was Yishai Katz, a 50 year old man, who was lightly wounded but, his story is also that of a Jewish hero. Katz was driving by when he saw the attack taking place & he stopped to intervene. “I stopped & saw the terrorist stab the girl at least 4 times.” Katz related to reporters. “I started cursing him & moving toward him, & at that point he left her & ran toward me.”

“Katz stated that he was unarmed. “I realized that with my bare hands it be hard to neutralize him,” he said. “He managed to stab me in the cheek, cutting me relatively lightly.” (On the radio he said his mouth was full of blood.) “Someone came from behind me [the other person who was wounded: Shaya Horowitz] & then the terrorist left me. I tried to help someone & that was it.” Katz concluded. “He [the terrorist] shouted ‘All-h Akbar’ and once I realized that the attack was also directed toward me, I turned around & defended myself with my bare hands.” (from Hamodia November 13, 2014

Katz said on the radio that he studied in a Kollel & was a plumber.

“The Terrorist was a 30-year-old Hevron resident affiliated with Islamic Jihad named Maher Hamdi Hashalamun. He had served five years in an Israeli prison for throwing Molotov cocktails at an IDF patrol.

Following the attacks, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu invited Israel Arabs who are dissatisfied with life in this country to leave. “To all those who are demonstrating & shouting their denunciation of Israel & support of a Palestinian (sic) state, I can say one simple thing: You are invited to move there – to the Palestinian Authority or to Gaza.” Netanyahu said. “Believe me, we will put no difficulties in your path.” (Hamodia, 11/13/14

Gail’s comments: What’s the message? Knife wounds can kill just like bullets. Knife wounds can damage the human body just like bullets. If someone is threatened by a knife-wielding Terrorist, shot to kill before he kills first.


3Dalia Lemkos hy”d Courtesy of the family

The message which I published November 10th reaches us across 8 years from this beautiful murdered girl, Dalia Lemkos, 26 was stabbed (lightly) in 2006 at the same station. She said then, & we should listen now – as should our government & the world: “I stood on February 28, 2006 at Gush Etzion Junction when a terrorist came & began to stab those standing at a hitchhiking station,” Lemkos said at the time of the incident. “I was one of two people stabbed. Luckily I was not badly wounded, & with the help of God, the other wounded victim will recover.” In response to an article she had read, about restraining orders being issued to right-wing activists, Lemkos wrote:

“Instead of fighting the settlers, the IDF & the State have to fight the terrorists in Gaza. Instead of evacuating settlers defending the country & serving in the army, the State should evacuate terrorists who fire on the IDF & kidnap soldiers & civilians.”

“Expel & punish the people who endanger us,” Lemkos said, “no matter what the price, on their part, is. They must pay the price for their terror. It is the only way to stop terrorism.”Dalia Lemkos, February 28, 2006 – at the Gush Etzion bus station.

In a similar incident Wednesday night, Nov. 12th, a Palestinian in his 20s was arrested & taken in for questioning, after police found a knife on his person.

At the entrance to the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hevron, Border Patrol forces stopped the young man who had aroused suspicions. Upon inspection they found a commando knife under his shirt.

Upon noticing the man walking “suspiciously” near the holy site, a security source said: “We asked him to lift up his shirt when he was a few feet away. As soon as he did so, we saw a commando knife on his waist.”

When Border Patrol forces saw the knife on the body of the suspect, they cocked their weapons at him. The suspect panicked & threw the knife on the floor. Soldiers conducted a thorough search of his body, & eventually the suspect was arrested.

“Despite attempts to communicate while the suspect was on the ground, he had apparently drunk alcohol shortly before & was unable to cooperate with law enforcement.”

[NOTE from GAIL: SEE STORY ABOUT FIRST RESPONDER treating Yeshayahu Horowitz, Army Medic at Gush Etzion bus stop knife murder: Shaya Horowitz, 26 year old army medic who fought with the Terrorist: “…..He was so strong I couldn’t make him drop the knife.” (Shaya had around 10 knife stab wounds.) MY THEORY: These Knife-Slasher/Killers are on drugs &/or alcohol.

Remember that the word “Assassin” is from over 200 years ago when the Muslim ‘assassins’ of then had commonly used “Hash” before their attacks. Is it a coincidence that Wed.11/11 Jerusalem Post highlighted a story about the capture of 25 suspects & huge quantity of cocaine bricks & weapons?!]

He was arrested & brought in for questioning, & during the process an officer in his 50s was reportedly lightly wounded & was given treatment at the scene; traffic in the area has been blocked off due to the attack.

A soldier was killed by a Terrorist with a knife in Tel Aviv on the HaHagana Bridge Nov. 10. According to reports the terrorist was captured after trying to take refuge in a four-story apartment building, with forces locating him thanks to the help of citizens on the top floor of the building.

A witness to the attack named Kobi told public radio “I got to Hahagana bridge with a friend & we saw a big man in a red sweatshirt stabbing a soldier twice, apparently someone from the air force. I stopped the car & we started to run after him, shouting ‘terrorist, terrorist.'”

Kobi said he returned to help the soldier who was clearly in serious condition, saying “he was conscious but his situation deteriorated very quickly,” reports AFP.

The latest attacks follows a day of escalated Arab violence Sunday, with numerous rock, firebomb & mob attacks in the north of the country as well as in the Jerusalem area that has experienced the worst of a wave of terror in recent months.

In the backdrop of the recent spate of terrorism is an incident on Saturday night, in which an Arab man tried to stab police officers with a knife before being shot in the Galilee village of Kafr Kana.

[NOTE FROM GAIL: The Police who shot that Palestinian near Kfar Kana who attacked them in their Police Car with a knife are now being accused of excessive force by shooting him. Kheir Hamdan was shot when he tried to stab an officer during an attempt to arrest him for allegedly throwing a stun grenade in the town, near Nazareth.

Like the soldier, Almog Shiloni, in Tel Aviv and the girl, Dalia Lemkus at a Alon Shvut bus stop today – Nov.10th?

A video shows the guy running away – with his knife. How were the Police supposed to stop him? Let him free to attack others with his knife?!! Like the soldier in Tel Aviv today? [Nov.10th] Like the terrorist’s knife pictured below here???]

4 5 Terrorist’s Bloody Knife left on ground

Photo credit: Magen David Adom:


4.Commentary from Gail Winston: We have so many heroes, unsung & ‘sung’ (stories published).

After the 50+ days of the official Gaza War, I tried to put up a full memorial of all the soldiers who had been killed – with the photos & stories from their families. There were 71 all together with the 4 civilians killed.

The wounded are seldom ‘sung’. At first, we protect their privacy so they can heal – both physically & psychically. Then their stories seem ‘old’ because something else violent happened to someone else. But, based upon the reports of the kind of wounds, I feel that those soldiers & their families are still suffering & we just don’t know who they are to hold out our respect & encouragement.

As my husband, Manny Winston, z’l, would have said: “We have literally a “Rolling Horizon” of our wounded & dead heroes. One personal story overlays the last one from ‘yesterday’.” I know the organizations *& individuals who help our heroic victims will know the full scope but, I would like to have a published or publishable record, with their photos & short stories…so we could open them & honor them – especially on this day.

A large poster with so many photos of our victims used to hang on the wall at the old GPO (Government Press Office) on Agron in Jerusalem. Those offices were more accessible then the new GPO is now in the Malcha tall office buildings. Hasbara (now called ‘Public Diplomacy’) used to be promoted from that old building on Agron. The GPO even had a display of the Rockets & shrapnel from the missiles Hamas sent into Sderot & surrounding communities in the South.

Perhaps the Government of Israel could provide similar materials at a few convenient sites in the major cities – in hotels which tourists frequent…sort of like a rolling bookstore with items for sale that tell our stories…including maps, photos of our heroes, good history for adults & children, etc.

Israel probably has the best tour guides in the world for tourists but, we need some volunteer ambassadors of good information & good will to dispense so those tourists go home as our ambassadors of really good ‘Public Diplomacy’.

Commentary from Gail Winston: We have so many heroes, unsung & ‘sung’ (stories published).

5.HAMAS ‘2 STATE SOLUTION’ IN GAZA & ‘WEST BANK’?? by Prof. Paul Eidelberg

From Prof. Paul Eidelberg: Is Hamas moving towards an independent state in Gaza alone? Hamas officially denies this, but sources tell Khaled Abu Toameh otherwise:

If and when Hamas carries out its plan and establishes its own sovereign state in the Gaza Strip, the international community, primarily the U.S. and EU, will have to come to terms with the fact that the two-state solution has finally been realized; the Palestinians ended up with two states of their own — an Islamist emirate in the Gaza Strip and a PLO-controlled state in the West Bank.




This week we will remember the fallen – soldiers and victims of terror attacks. We will celebrate the fact that we have our own State. Both the sadness and happiness are with us every single day but this week we all remember why we are here and how we got here. What better time is there to examine our history and what still needs to be done to make Israel a Jewish State filled with meaning and justice. Please help Honenu help those seeking justice in Israel.

Police Provoke Residents of Judea and Samaria


Photo Credit: Tazpit News Agency (from similar incident in Adei Ad).

In mid – April, once again, police provoked Jewish residents of the Yehuda and Shomron region. This time the action was taken in the area near Kochav haShachar. Five area residents were detained after police instigated an incident in which an Arab shepherd along with police detectives (at least one of whom was wearing Arab dress) appeared on a mountain near Kochav HaShachar. A Jewish resident of the area saw them and called other local residents who say they approached the area but turned back when they saw the Arabs leaving. The residents were later detained and accused of attacking the Arab and the policemen dressed as Arabs. During the hearing in court, it became clear that the police did not get permission from the Justice Department or from any other government office, to carry out this operation which could have endangered lives. A similar incident took place in the Sussia area in the past and in that case the Minister of Internal Security said that the police must not dress as Arabs to act against the Jewish residents because of the danger it creates.

Two Detainees Released After 11 Days of Interrogation – No Evidence Presented


On April 15 it was cleared for publication that In March 2015 two Jewish men approximately 20 years of age, one a resident of Kiryat Arba and the other of the Shomron region, were detained by the Jewish Department of the GSS on suspicion of setting an Arab house on fire in the Har Hevron region. Immediately upon their detention a complete gag order was placed on the case, forbidding any information, even mention of the detention, to be released. They were held for prolonged interrogations in two GSS facilities for 11 days and released after no evidence implicating them in the arson incident was found. For the first nine days of their remand they were not permitted to meet with Honenu attorneys due to an order issued by the GSS interrogators.

The detainees denied all charges and throughout all of the interrogations exercised their right to remain silent. Later, they described the harsh interrogations they underwent.They stated that no evidence linking them to the arson incident was presented to them.
After the detainees were released administrative orders were issued to them without a trial. The orders ban both of them from Yehuda and Shomron for a year and ban one of them from Jerusalem for six months.
Honenu attorney Yossi Lin represented the two detainees. After the gag order was lifted he stated that, “The method of keeping suspects out of the public eye, preventing them from meeting with an attorney and attempting to break their spirits in order to cause them to confess even when there is no evidence at all, is an unacceptable method which should be stopped immediately. Once again detainees were held in conditions which deprived them of all of their basic rights. When it became clear that it was a false detention the suspects were released, however no-one will compensate them for the damage caused to them.”
Honenu reports that issuing sweeping gag orders on the detention of “Price Tag” incident suspects has become a common phenomenon. The orders are designed to prevent the recurring embarrassment of the police and the GSS when “Price Tag” detainees, who were detained with much fanfare, are released after no evidence implicating them was found.


This week we will remember the fallen – soldiers and victims of terror attacks. We will celebrate the fact that we have our own State. Both the sadness and happiness are with us every single day but this week we all remember why we are here and how we got here. What better time is there to examine our history and what still needs to be done to make Israel a Jewish State filled with meaning and justice. Please help Honenu help those seeking justice in Israel.

Police Provoke Residents of Judea and Samaria


Photo Credit: Tazpit News Agency (from similar incident in Adei Ad).

In mid – April, once again, police provoked Jewish residents of the Yehuda and Shomron region. This time the action was taken in the area near Kochav haShachar. Five area residents were detained after police instigated an incident in which an Arab shepherd along with police detectives (at least one of whom was wearing Arab dress) appeared on a mountain near Kochav HaShachar. A Jewish resident of the area saw them and called other local residents who say they approached the area but turned back when they saw the Arabs leaving. The residents were later detained and accused of attacking the Arab and the policemen dressed as Arabs. During the hearing in court, it became clear that the police did not get permission from the Justice Department or from any other government office, to carry out this operation which could have endangered lives. A similar incident took place in the Sussia area in the past and in that case the Minister of Internal Security said that the police must not dress as Arabs to act against the Jewish residents because of the danger it creates.

Two Detainees Released After 11 Days of Interrogation – No Evidence Presented


On April 15 it was cleared for publication that In March 2015 two Jewish men approximately 20 years of age, one a resident of Kiryat Arba and the other of the Shomron region, were detained by the Jewish Department of the GSS on suspicion of setting an Arab house on fire in the Har Hevron region. Immediately upon their detention a complete gag order was placed on the case, forbidding any information, even mention of the detention, to be released. They were held for prolonged interrogations in two GSS facilities for 11 days and released after no evidence implicating them in the arson incident was found. For the first nine days of their remand they were not permitted to meet with Honenu attorneys due to an order issued by the GSS interrogators.
The detainees denied all charges and throughout all of the interrogations exercised their right to remain silent. Later, they described the harsh interrogations they underwent.They stated that no evidence linking them to the arson incident was presented to them.
After the detainees were released administrative orders were issued to them without a trial. The orders ban both of them from Yehuda and Shomron for a year and ban one of them from Jerusalem for six months.
Honenu attorney Yossi Lin represented the two detainees. After the gag order was lifted he stated that, “The method of keeping suspects out of the public eye, preventing them from meeting with an attorney and attempting to break their spirits in order to cause them to confess even when there is no evidence at all, is an unacceptable method which should be stopped immediately. Once again detainees were held in conditions which deprived them of all of their basic rights. When it became clear that it was a false detention the suspects were released, however no-one will compensate them for the damage caused to them.”
Honenu reports that issuing sweeping gag orders on the detention of “Price Tag” incident suspects has become a common phenomenon. The orders are designed to prevent the recurring embarrassment of the police and the GSS when “Price Tag” detainees, who were detained with much fanfare, are released after no evidence implicating them was found.

Extreme Charges


On the afternoon of Monday, April 13 a harsh indictment accusing him of espionage was issued to Elad Sela, the soldier from Bat Ayin serving in an intelligence position in the Etzion Brigade. He is suspected of leaking classified military information to residents of the area.
Honenu attorney Adi Kedar, Sela’s defense attorney, severely criticized several clauses of the indictment and the accusation that Sela damaged the security of the State by transferring information to Jewish activists in Yehuda and Shomron.
“We have not yet received and studied the investigatory material, part of which is classified. However in general I think that the indictment is highly problematic. I think that this is the first time that the Israeli system has officially categorized hilltop youth as an enemy,” said Kedar and pointed to the accusation that Sela has harmed the security of the State by transferring information to activists and his neighbors in Bat Ayin. The information included identifying specific Bat Ayin residents as being interested in carrying out acts against Arabs.
“I think that someone very specific in the uppermost echelons made a very problematic and controversial decision. I hope very much that examining the evidence will help me to refute this claim and that someone, either in the court or the Attorney General’s office, will see fit to get off of his high horse and put the case into its proper proportions.”
Kedar agrees that what the soldier did was in violation of military law, however Kedar states that the Attorney General’s office’s interpretation of the soldier’s acts exaggerates the violation. “He happened to see information that related to his friends and neighbors, and he thought it proper to share it with them. It was a deviation from his authority, however he most certainly did not have the intent to damage the security of the State. I think that this is a matter of speculation and interpretation, and the defendant himself when he read the interpretative portion of the indictment was shocked by what was written and I am absolutely certain that at some stage, after a correct analysis, the case will be returned to its correct dimensions.”

Terror Attack and Not Accident

It is with great sorrow that we offer our condolences to the family of Shalom Yochai Sherki HYD who was murdered in a terrorist attack. At this time we also wish a speedy and full recovery to Shira Klein who was injured in the same attack. They were run over by an Arab driver at a bus stop on a main street in Jerusalem. The police originally did not call it a terror attack. As we reported in the last email, the trend to call attacks such as this “accidents”, is terribly damaging to the families and to the morale of all those loyal to Israel. Honenu continues to work to get all terror attacks recognized as such..

Please Help

This week we are especially inspired to build on the strong foundations of the Jewish Nation. We must stand strong. Honenu is determined to protect our values by providing legal defense and to make the public aware of terror attacks, injustices and other areas that need our work. This work is done with the help of your donations to Honenu. Read more about Honenu’s cases. If you would like your donation to go to a specific case, please send us a note.

Between May 10 and 19, Shalom Pollack, a Honenu representative, will be in the New York area and will be happy to speak at parlor meetings to publicize Honenu’s work. If you can help please contact us by answering this mail.


©2015 Honenu | PO Box 2, Kiryat Arba 90100, Israel

The detainees denied all charges and throughout all of the interrogations exercised their right to remain silent. Later, they described the harsh interrogations they underwent.They stated that no evidence linking them to the arson incident was presented to them.
After the detainees were released administrative orders were issued to them without a trial. The orders ban both of them from Yehuda and Shomron for a year and ban one of them from Jerusalem for six months.
Honenu attorney Yossi Lin represented the two detainees. After the gag order was lifted he stated that, “The method of keeping suspects out of the public eye, preventing them from meeting with an attorney and attempting to break their spirits in order to cause them to confess even when there is no evidence at all, is an unacceptable method which should be stopped immediately. Once again detainees were held in conditions which deprived them of all of their basic rights. When it became clear that it was a false detention the suspects were released, however no-one will compensate them for the damage caused to them.”
Honenu reports that issuing sweeping gag orders on the detention of “Price Tag” incident suspects has become a common phenomenon. The orders are designed to prevent the recurring embarrassment of the police and the GSS when “Price Tag” detainees, who were detained with much fanfare, are released after no evidence implicating them was found.

Extreme Charges


On the afternoon of Monday, April 13 a harsh indictment accusing him of espionage was issued to Elad Sela, the soldier from Bat Ayin serving in an intelligence position in the Etzion Brigade. He is suspected of leaking classified military information to residents of the area.
Honenu attorney Adi Kedar, Sela’s defense attorney, severely criticized several clauses of the indictment and the accusation that Sela damaged the security of the State by transferring information to Jewish activists in Yehuda and Shomron.
“We have not yet received and studied the investigatory material, part of which is classified. However in general I think that the indictment is highly problematic. I think that this is the first time that the Israeli system has officially categorized hilltop youth as an enemy,” said Kedar and pointed to the accusation that Sela has harmed the security of the State by transferring information to activists and his neighbors in Bat Ayin. The information included identifying specific Bat Ayin residents as being interested in carrying out acts against Arabs.
“I think that someone very specific in the uppermost echelons made a very problematic and controversial decision. I hope very much that examining the evidence will help me to refute this claim and that someone, either in the court or the Attorney General’s office, will see fit to get off of his high horse and put the case into its proper proportions.”
Kedar agrees that what the soldier did was in violation of military law, however Kedar states that the Attorney General’s office’s interpretation of the soldier’s acts exaggerates the violation. “He happened to see information that related to his friends and neighbors, and he thought it proper to share it with them. It was a deviation from his authority, however he most certainly did not have the intent to damage the security of the State. I think that this is a matter of speculation and interpretation, and the defendant himself when he read the interpretative portion of the indictment was shocked by what was written and I am absolutely certain that at some stage, after a correct analysis, the case will be returned to its correct dimensions.”

Terror Attack and Not Accident

It is with great sorrow that we offer our condolences to the family of Shalom Yochai Sherki HYD who was murdered in a terrorist attack. At this time we also wish a speedy and full recovery to Shira Klein who was injured in the same attack. They were run over by an Arab driver at a bus stop on a main street in Jerusalem. The police originally did not call it a terror attack. As we reported in the last email, the trend to call attacks such as this “accidents”, is terribly damaging to the families and to the morale of all those loyal to Israel. Honenu continues to work to get all terror attacks recognized as such..

Please Help

This week we are especially inspired to build on the strong foundations of the Jewish Nation. We must stand strong. Honenu is determined to protect our values by providing legal defense and to make the public aware of terror attacks, injustices and other areas that need our work. This work is done with the help of your donations to Honenu. Read more about Honenu’s cases. If you would like your donation to go to a specific case, please send us a note.

Between May 10 and 19, Shalom Pollack, a Honenu representative, will be in the New York area and will be happy to speak at parlor meetings to publicize Honenu’s work. If you can help please contact us by answering this mail.


The detainees denied all charges and throughout all of the interrogations exercised their right to remain silent. Later, they described the harsh interrogations they underwent. They stated that no evidence linking them to the arson incident was presented to them.
After the detainees were released administrative orders were issued to them without a trial. The orders ban both of them from Yehuda and Shomron for a year and ban one of them from Jerusalem for six months.
Honenu attorney Yossi Lin represented the two detainees. After the gag order was lifted he stated that, “The method of keeping suspects out of the public eye, preventing them from meeting with an attorney and attempting to break their spirits in order to cause them to confess even when there is no evidence at all, is an unacceptable method which should be stopped immediately. Once again detainees were held in conditions which deprived them of all of their basic rights. When it became clear that it was a false detention the suspects were released, however no-one will compensate them for the damage caused to them.”
Honenu reports that issuing sweeping gag orders on the detention of “Price Tag” incident suspects has become a common phenomenon. The orders are designed to prevent the recurring embarrassment of the police and the GSS when “Price Tag” detainees, who were detained with much fanfare, are released after no evidence implicating them was found.

Extreme Charges


On the afternoon of Monday, April 13 a harsh indictment accusing him of espionage was issued to Elad Sela, the soldier from Bat Ayin serving in an intelligence position in the Etzion Brigade. He is suspected of leaking classified military information to residents of the area.
Honenu attorney Adi Kedar, Sela’s defense attorney, severely criticized several clauses of the indictment and the accusation that Sela damaged the security of the State by transferring information to Jewish activists in Yehuda and Shomron.
“We have not yet received and studied the investigatory material, part of which is classified. However in general I think that the indictment is highly problematic. I think that this is the first time that the Israeli system has officially categorized hilltop youth as an enemy,” said Kedar and pointed to the accusation that Sela has harmed the security of the State by transferring information to activists and his neighbors in Bat Ayin. The information included identifying specific Bat Ayin residents as being interested in carrying out acts against Arabs.
“I think that someone very specific in the uppermost echelons made a very problematic and controversial decision. I hope very much that examining the evidence will help me to refute this claim and that someone, either in the court or the Attorney General’s office, will see fit to get off of his high horse and put the case into its proper proportions.”
Kedar agrees that what the soldier did was in violation of military law, however Kedar states that the Attorney General’s office’s interpretation of the soldier’s acts exaggerates the violation. “He happened to see information that related to his friends and neighbors, and he thought it proper to share it with them. It was a deviation from his authority, however he most certainly did not have the intent to damage the security of the State. I think that this is a matter of speculation and interpretation, and the defendant himself when he read the interpretative portion of the indictment was shocked by what was written and I am absolutely certain that at some stage, after a correct analysis, the case will be returned to its correct dimensions.”

Terror Attack and Not Accident

It is with great sorrow that we offer our condolences to the family of Shalom Yochai Sherki HYD who was murdered in a terrorist attack. At this time we also wish a speedy and full recovery to Shira Klein who was injured in the same attack. They were run over by an Arab driver at a bus stop on a main street in Jerusalem. The police originally did not call it a terror attack. As we reported in the last email, the trend to call attacks such as this “accidents”, is terribly damaging to the families and to the morale of all those loyal to Israel. Honenu continues to work to get all terror attacks recognized as such.


For Zion’s sake I will not hold my peace & for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest.” Isaiah 62

FREEMAN CENTER FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES P.O. Box 35661 * Houston, Texas 77235
* E-mail: bernards@sbcglobal.net OUR WEB SITE <
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Dry Bones-chico

Here are your Dry Bones blog updates

Dry Bones blog updates for bernards@sbcglobal.net

16“Yom HaZikaron” (Hebrew for Day of Remembrance) begins today April 21 2015 at sundown. It is a moving and terribly sad day on which Israel honors its fallen soldiers and its victims of terror.

“Yom HaAtzmaut” (Hebrew for Independence Day) begins at sundown the next day, April 22 2015, as Yom HaZikaron ends. It is a day of Joy and celebration, picnics, barbecues, and the waving of our beautiful blue & white flags! -Dry Bones- Israel’s Political Comic Strip Since 1973

Dry Bones by Ya’acov Kirschen: “Our Sadness and Our Joy”

· Netanyahu to receive mandate on Wednesday to form government.

Likud, Bayit Yehudi expected to engage in tense portfolio bartering.

Rivlin grants Netanyahu 2 week extension to form coalition.

Drawn out negotiations have further strained already tense relations between the Likud leadership and their Bayit Yehudi counterparts.


Netanyahu and Bennett. (photo credit:REUTERS,MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/THE JERUSALEM POST)

Blaming Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the government’s ongoing coalition-building impasse, the director-general of the Bayit Yehudi party warned of his constituency’s growing dissatisfaction and said that “the ball is now in the prime minister’s court.”
“The national-religious community has undergone a change in recent years, we have stopped being the lap-dog of the country,” said Nir Orbach in a interview with Israel radio.
“Enough, we won’t be smacked around and be expected to come back crawling.”
Bayit Yehudi, chaired by Economy Minister Naftali Bennett, had been part of the previous Netanyahu-led coalition and is considered to be an integral part of his efforts to build a new right-wing government.
Yet drawn out negotiations, exceeding the 28 days allotted to the prime minister to form a government, have further strained already tense relations between the Likud leadership and their Bayit Yehudi counterparts.
In March, Bayit Yehudi officials threatened to retract their recommendation for a renewed Netanyahu-led government after Likud officials dismissed what Bennett claimed was a promise by the prime minister that he would be given the defense or foreign minister position.
Likud officials dismissed the threat, calling it “too pathetic for a serious response” and claiming that the conversation in which such an offer came up occurred when the electoral gap between the two parties was much narrower.
Since then, the rhetoric from Bayit Yehudi leaders has become more hostile.
“Without us there is no right-wing government,” Orbach asserted, adding that “if we don’t get what we want, regarding the basic guidelines for the government and the positions we deserve, then joining the opposition is indeed an option.”
Tough negotiations have also marked the prime minister’s talks with the haredi United Torah Judaism party, whose Sunday session with Netanyahu ran so long that their counterparts in Shas had to reschedule their own negotiations to Monday.
The potential for an empowered haredi presence in the next coalition has raised fears in Bayit Yehudi that the ultra-Orthodox parties would gain control of prized offices in the next government that it wants for itself.
Speaking on the possibility of such an outcome, Naftali Bennett warned that “unilaterally taking the religious portfolio from religious Zionists and delivering it to Shas ends negotiations with Bayit Yehudi.”
On Monday, Netanyahu met with President Reuvin Rivlin to discuss getting more time to build a coalition, a request which Rivlin accommodated, setting the deadline for the formation of a government for May 6.

9.An IDF soldier was detained on Mon. afternoon, April 20 on the Temple Mount for allegedly bowing a slight bow
Can someone explain to me exactly what “Independence” is being celebrated on Israel’s Independence Day?
Monday, April 20, 2015, 15:24
An IDF soldier was detained on the afternoon of Monday, April 20 on the Temple Mount for allegedly bowing a slight bow. According to the police, at the exit from the Temple Mount the soldier walked backwards, facing the site of the Holy Temple and bowed a slight bow, in the manner in which Jews are accustomed to leave a synagogue and other holy places.
The soldier was taken to a police station adjacent to the Temple Mount. Honenu attorney Rehavia Piltz hurried to the station in order to work towards the release of the soldier.
Honenu: “The detention of an IDF soldier because he dared to honor the site of the Holy Temple is a disgrace. The fact that a detention such as this was carried out on the eve of Israeli Independence Day is a badge of shame for the State of Israel’s sovereignty over Jerusalem, the capital city.”
Photo: Detained soldier, Photo credit: Students for the Temple Mount

In the history of the world, no tyranny has ever voluntarily relinquished power or been replaced by peaceful means.
Have a nice day, Aryeh Zelasko :-) Beit Shemesh

An IDF soldier was detained on the afternoon of Monday, April 20 on the Temple Mount for allegedly bowing a slight bow

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Name: Gail Winston
Group: Winston Mid-East Commentary
Dateline: Bat Ayin, Gush Etzion, The Hills of Judea Israel
Cell Phone: 972-2-673-7225
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