Home > NewsRelease > TMS – the 21st Century Treatment for Depression
TMS – the 21st Century Treatment for Depression
Louis B. Cady, M.D. Welness and Integrative Neuropsychiatrist Louis B. Cady, M.D. Welness and Integrative Neuropsychiatrist
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Evansville, IN
Friday, March 20, 2015


For those of you who may have (a) missed this, (b) had no need for it at the time, or (c ) didn’t have a relative or loved one dealing with depression at the time, or (d) just didn’t get it in your social media feeds, I wanted to make sure that this message was getting out.

Dr. Cady with TMS head

TMS is an FDA approved for depression after ONE failed antidepressant trial. It uses pulse magnetic waves beamed through the skull into a specific area of the brain. It is done with the patient wide awake, chatting it up with the treater or – in the case of one of our recent patients – jamming it up with Celtic music – and with no medications required, no anesthesia, no loss of consciousness, and actually a fresher, more wide awake brain AFTER the treatment than before. It can work in some cases as soon as 1 -3 treatments. 

Comparison of some studies suggest that it is better than ECT, which is typically considered the “gold standard.” I’m frequently asked it it’s “like ECT” and I quip that there’s no E, no C, but there IS T. In other words – no electricity, no convulsion (and no drugs, and no anesthesia and no real pain), but there is THERAPEUTIC efficacy. In September of 2013, I recorded the attached video “fireside chat.” it describes not only the theory and practice of TMS, but also how we “hot rod” our TMS machine and get the effectiveness of thirty treatments down to just 20 treatments, saving patients $3,000 (or more) in the process. This treatment is slowly and begrudgingly getting paid for my many insurance companies, but even if paid out of pocket, it can be life-saving, career-saving, and marriage-saving. The TMS installation at Cady Wellness institute is also the only one within 100 miles. Given that treatments are given M-F, at least for four weeks, the geographic proximity of the treatment center to the patient’s home location is critically important. For Evansvillians, if this installation wasn’t here you’d have to drive to Indianapolis, Nashville, or Louisville to receive this therapy. Please share this video and news item WIDELY with your network so that people know that this technology is available right here in River City.  Thanks!
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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Louis. B. Cady, M.D.
Title: CEO, Founder
Group: Cady Wellness Institute
Dateline: Newburgh, IN United States
Direct Phone: 812-429-0772
Main Phone: 812-429-0772
Cell Phone: 812-760-5385
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