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Announcing the 12th Annual Valentine’s Day Infidelity Awareness Campaign
Ruth Houston - Eat Smart Weight Loss Expert Ruth Houston - Eat Smart Weight Loss Expert
New York, NY
Friday, February 6, 2015

12th Annual Valentine’s Day Infidelity Awareness Campaign

The  12th annual Valentine's Day Infidelity Awareness Campaign has now begun. 

Each year, New York-based infidelity expert, Ruth Houston conducts a Valentine's Day Infidelity Awareness Campaign to call attention to an aspect of Valentine's Day that seldom gets talked about --  the link between Valentine's Day, infidelity and extramarital affairs.  The campaign is now in its 12th year.

The Link between Valentine's Day, Infidelity and Extramarital Affairs

Houston, who has been researching infidelity for over 20 years and is frequently called on by the media to comment on high profile infidelity court cases, celebrity infidelity and popular infidelity issues in the news, says:

 "Most people don't associate infidelity with Valentine's Day.  That's because no one wants to talk about , the link between the two that. People are actually surprised to learn that the '3-day Valentine Season' which begins with Mistress Day on February 13 and ends February 15, is the ideal time of the year to catch a cheating mate."   

The 3-fold Purpose of the Valentine's Day Infidelity Awareness Campaign

Houston, the founder of www.InfidelityAdvice.com and author of the popular infidelity reference book, Is He Cheating on You? - 829 Telltale Signs explains the 3-fold purpose of her 12th Annual Valentine's Day Infidelity Awareness Campaign:

  1. to heighten public awareness of the link  between Valentine's Day, infidelity and extramarital affairs.

  2. to encourage print, broadcast, and online media outlets to do stories, sidebars, or segments on this seldom-discussed side of Valentine's Day.

  3. to alert suspicious spouses, as well as unsuspecting infidelity victims that Valentine's Day is the best time to get tangible proof of an affair, and to advise them on how to catch a cheating mate.

Week-long Valentine's Day Infidelity Article Blitz

This year, in addition to radio and TV interviews, once again by popular  request,  Ruth Houston's  Valentine's Day Infidelity Awareness information will be posted in her National Infidelity column  as part of a week-long Valentine's Day infidelity article blitz. The first two articles, (listed below) are available at www.NationalInfidelity.com .

Valentine's Day is Still an Ideal Time to Catch a Cheating Mate 

For Valentine's Day, Retain a Private Eye if You Think You Have a Cheating Mate 

Other articles in the series written by infidelity expert  Ruth Houston will cover specific clues to look for between February 13 - 15 for those who suspect their mate of cheating, the inside scoop Mistress Day and how it can be used to advantage, real life stories people who caught their cheating mates on or around valentine's day, and more.  

As a bonus, on the last day of the 12th Annual Valentine's Day Infidelity Awareness Campaign,  Houston will post a final article with specific signs of infidelity that typically show up shortly after Valentine's Day.

Don't Miss the 2015 Valentine's Day Infidelity Article Blitz

Bookmark or subscribe to Ruth Houston's National Infidelity column  or check back often to avoid missing  any of the articles in the Valentine's Day infidelity article blitz.

About Ruth Houston:

Ruth Houston is a New York-based, internationally-recognized infidelity expert who is frequently called on by the media to comment on celebrity infidelity and popular infidelity issues in the news.  Houston is the founder of www.InfidelityAdvice.com  and the author of the popular infidelity reference book, Is He Cheating on You?- 829 Telltale Signs. To schedule an interview with infidelity expert Ruth Houston, call 718 592-6039 or e-mail InfidelityExpert@gmail.com

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Name: Ruth Houston
Dateline: Elmhurst, NY United States
Cell Phone: 718 708-9799
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