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Infidelity Expert Says Many Cheaters Got Caught on New Year’s Eve
Ruth Houston - Eat Smart Weight Loss Expert Ruth Houston - Eat Smart Weight Loss Expert
New York, NY
Friday, January 2, 2015

Many cheaters got caught on New Year’s Eve. Here's how.

According to infidelity expert Ruth Houston, most cheaters, male and female, inadvertently gave themselves away on New Year's Eve.  Houston, who is frequently called on by the media to comment on popular infidelity issues in the news explains how easily these cheaters get caught. Says Houston:

"There's one thing all cheaters do around New Year's Eve which will inadvertently give them away. Most of them can't resist the urge to contact their affair partner to wish them Happy New Year. Suspicious partners who stay alert and observe their spouse's or significant other's behavior as the New Year approaches, might even catch them in the act. All they have to do is watch and wait."

Studies show that 75% of the people involved in illicit affairs are cheating on their mates with either workmates or friends.  Says Houston,

"The likelihood is extremely high that the cheater's secret lover is someone his or her primary partner knows -- a neighbor, a mutual acquaintance, even a family friend.   In these cases, it's not unusual for the cheater, their spouse or significant other, and the affair partner to all find themselves at same party on New Year's Eve. If so, the body language and behavior the cheater and their secret lover's display around each other will usually give them away.  This is how many cheaters – male and female – get caught."

Houston, who in a recent infidelity column relates brief accounts of 5 New Year's cheaters who got caught, says that knowing what to look for is the key.  She suggests that suspicious spouses stay alert   for both subtle, as well as obvious telltale signs and explains how many of these scenarios usually unfold. Houston elaborates

 "The telltale signs could be something as subtle as a look, a touch, a wink, a caress, or calling each other by a pet name. Or they may be as bold, or as brazen as kissing, heavy petting, or sneaking off someplace to have sex".

But Houston cautions men and women who suspect infidelity not to jump to conclusions or falsely accuse  an innocent mate.

"Things aren't always what they appear to be.  So before confronting your mate on the basis of one or two random signs make, sure you're on solid ground."

 "Signs of infidelity never exist in isolation. I can't emphasize strongly enough that knowing what to look for is the key.   If someone is really cheating on their mate there are always multiple signs, which is why it's wise to invest in a good infidelity reference book."

Houston's popular infidelity book Is He Cheating on You? - 829 Telltale Signs  can help those who suspect infidelity find additional proof if their partner is having an affair.  The book documents practically every known sign of infidelity, most of which apply to cheating woman as well as cheating men. Click here to order the softcover version from Amazon.com.  Click here, to order the e-book version from Booklocker.com  

For a quick look at how the methods above exposed five illicit affairs, see How 5 Cheaters Got Caught on New Year's Eve

About Ruth Houston:

Ruth Houston is a New York-based, internationally-recognized infidelity expert who is frequently called on by the media to comment on celebrity infidelity and popular infidelity issues in the news.  Houston is the founder of www.InfidelityAdvice.com  and the author of the popular infidelity reference book, Is He Cheating on You?- 829 Telltale Signs. To schedule an interview with infidelity expert Ruth Houston, call 718 592-6039 or e-mail InfidelityExpert@gmail.com

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Name: Ruth Houston
Dateline: Elmhurst, NY United States
Cell Phone: 718 708-9799
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