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SCOTUS Decision to Allow DNA-Swabbing of Arrestees Met With Applause
Polly Franks - Crime Victim Advocate, Child Safety Expert Polly Franks - Crime Victim Advocate, Child Safety Expert
Richmond, VA
Monday, June 3, 2013

Polly Franks, Executive Director - It's Not Your Fault
Monday's Supreme Court Decision allowing the routine use of dna-swabbing of arrestees is met with applause by crime victim advocate Polly Franks.  Franks is the Executive Director of "It's Not Your Fault," a nonprofit organization for survivors of childhood sexual abuse.  When her own children were abused by a now-former friend and neighbor, Polly Franks became a licensed private investigator for the sole purpose of bringing this predator Joseph Frank Smith to justice.  Smith was ultimately linked to at least 286 victims in two states, most of them children.  "If this predator had been dna tested following any of his numerous arrests, he would have been taken off the streets and no longer allowed to sexually assault more children," says Franks, adding "Once he was FINALLY dna tested, he was linked to the rape of a six-year-old girl who lived less than half a mile from his house.  We applaud this Supreme Court decision which will allow law enforcement to protect society from predators."       

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Name: Polly Franks
Title: Executive Director
Group: It's Not Your Fault
Dateline: Richmond, VA United States
Direct Phone: 804.564.9196
Main Phone: 804-564-9196
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