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Middle Market Business Leaders: Greece Survives: Acme Will Not
Gary W. Patterson -- Big 4 CPA, Stanford MBA Gary W. Patterson -- Big 4 CPA, Stanford MBA
Atlanta, GA
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Find the Million Dollar Blind Spot: Before It Finds You.
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CEOs and Board of Directors: Find the Million $ Blind Spot: Before It Finds You 

June 30, 2015 – Atlanta, Georgia – Greece and Puerto Rico will be saved. Middle market Acme Manufacturing will not.  Concerns about default, bankruptcy, risk areas, and enterprise risk management assessment (ERM) are back in play. Regardless of what the global economy does, every business in America faces going over a financial cliff, with minimal or no rescue squad.  At a minimum whatever basic risks you are taking knowingly or unknowingly can drive your organization over that cliff. 

This starts when you feel the organization is (a) coasting, (b) stuck, or (c) under-achieving.  Yet in essence, this blind spot is very visible to those willing to face up to the issue. Which of your organization's Million Dollar Blind Spots are clearly visible to an outsider?

Delivering bad news will be guaranteed in the future when you ignore Million Dollar Blind Spots. Consider that if you stopped doing the basic work to meet valuable personal goals, how well are you doing on meeting or exceeding business resolutions such as strategic plans, budgets, rolling cash forecast, etc.? What is the cost of what you do not know?

FiscalDoctor Gary W. Patterson asks how you get certainty in periods of uncertainty and escalating risks. His best customers want to grow profitably, become more bankable and reduce stress.

Mapping the right route to any destination requires some mission-critical facts: Starting point. Distance. Best and alternate routes. Without this information, a roadmap is unlikely to guide you or your organization to the right outcome in an efficient manner. 

To reach your goals of comprehensive preparedness, best practices and regulatory compliance, you must have accurate measurements that provide quantitative assessments. Those measurements can be used to answer a variety of critical questions:

•    Where does your organization really stand today?

•    What does your business need to improve?

•    How much progress are you making in various key strategic initiatives?

Patterson works with leaders to uncover million dollar blind spots to make the best business decisions. This helps leaders gain control of their financial destinies and capitalize on hidden high return opportunities, while limiting their exposure to risk. 

To balance these increasing exposures and uncertainty, Patterson will provide a no cost assessment discussion of your plans in July 2015. Call 678-319-4739.

About Gary W. Patterson

Gary W. Patterson, president & CEO of FiscalDoctor®, has been interviewed or presented internationally at over 120 of the leading and most prestigious publications and groups in the world and helped over than 200 companies during 30 years, spanning supply chain, high tech, transportation, construction, and service industries for companies ranging from SMB to Middle Market to international Fortune 2000. 

His Million Dollar Blind Spots: 20/20 Vision for Financial Growth provides cutting edge. follow-up to the theme of blind spots: how to identify them, exploit opportunities and mitigate risk related to million dollar blind spots. This is available as a strategic workshop or planning session to Find the Million Dollar Blind Spot: Before It Finds You. 

http://www.fiscaldoctor.com or 678-319-4739.  

© Gary W. Patterson.  All rights reserved. 

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Name: Gary W. Patterson
Title: Trusted Advisor
Group: FiscalDoctor Inc.
Dateline: Alpharetta, GA United States
Direct Phone: 781-237-3637
Main Phone: 678-319-4739
Cell Phone: 781-237-3637
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