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Criminal Identity Theft / Abu Dhabi Dention / Jewish Funerals
News Release Wire News Release Wire
Washington, DC
Friday, October 31, 2014

The pay probably isn?t very good; a candy bar, a trip to a theme park or some other activity that kids like, but the reward for the director, producer and distributor is enormous. It?s an industry that is always looking for new ?stars? because their current ones age-out so fast that these poor fellows are always ?scouting.?

They have to go to endless children?s sports events, or get menial jobs at schools or in playgrounds, anywhere there?s easy access to kids. It doesn?t matter if it?s a choir or a playing field or a swim club, it?s got access to ?talent.?

What?s the industry? Child pornography and its profits are in the multi-millions or even billions of dollars because it?s a worldwide enterprise. These ?theatres? never close and they run 24/7 to meet the ever-growing demand for new, more explicit and more disturbing material.

Don?t have time to run down to the store? ?Don?t worry,? says Dr. Patricia A. Farrell, a well-known psychologist and author of ?How to Be Your Own Therapist,? ?because they bring it right into your home. You can download it, store it or even repackage it, making hundreds of copies and sell it to someone else. It?s a ready homemade business that?s tax free, has low overhead and a high return. No one ever brings the merchandise back and no one ever gets a refund. What better business could you want? Of course, if you don?t mind engaging in a mental sort of personality murder, it can leave you laughing all the way to the bank.?

The digital technology revolution has made the production of child pornography even easier. ?Just think,? Dr. Farrell said, ?you never have to take your film for processing, you can do your own editing at home and even run off your own CDs or upload them to a password-protected site on the internet and these sites don?t even have to be in the US. You can easily get a site out of the country where, as long as you pay your monthly fees, you?ll have no problems with content. The Supreme Court decision about child pornography being acceptable if it's of a 'virtual' type, too, has given many the okay to proceed"

How do you make your child a star? ?Depending on the age, it?s really rather simple. Just follow these few steps and your child, too, can be appearing before leering viewers shortly:

Steps to Kiddie Porn ?Stardom?

1. Leave the child alone for hours with a ?friend? who has suddenly come into your life and appears to have an unusual wish to take your child places alone.

2. Never questions sleep-overs or camping trips with a person who has no credentials and is not affiliated with a well-known organization. Don?t bother to ask which parent will be accompanying the group.

3. Never have discussions about ?good? or ?bad? touch

4. Permit anyone (friends, family, neighbors, etc.) the right to film your child in any stage of undress, or while undressing or while bathing. These might be okay for parents who want to record their child?s ?cute? moments, but keep them within your nuclear family.

5. Let your guard down when someone says they think your child would be a ?perfect? child model and wants to take a series of test shots or do some filming?where you will not be permitted. Legitimate agencies can be the best judge, not someone who comes up to you in a park.

6. Don?t have talks with your child about cartoon characters who are doing ?bad? things.

?Remember, sophisticated animation techniques can reproduce any cartoon character and have them do any number of things which you would consider indecent, but which your child will only see as a new and rather unusual amusement.?

So, do you want your child to be a ?star?? ?It?s easy,? Dr. Farrell concluded, ?just close your eyes, don?t ask questions and you can contribute to a lifetime of psychological pain and the purchase of a new sports car by someone you don?t even know.?


Patricia A. Farrell, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist, an educator, author of HOW TO B

*Why You Should Write Your Book During November



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