Jennifer Maxwell Parkinson. AICI
As a pioneer in the field of image consulting, Jennifer Maxwell
Parkinson has helped clients--individuals and corporations--fine
tune their public personas. Because of the results she has
delivered, she has been invited by many major corporations to
speak to their employees about how they can use the same
Ms. Parkinson, as founding President of the Association of Image
Consultants International (AICI), helped put image consulting on
the professional map.
Whether giving an impromptu interview or delivering a keynote
address, her fresh perspective adds depth and immediate
applicability to Ms. Parkinson's expertise.
Recognized Authority and Media Source on...
- "Image Disasters:" do's and don'ts for those in the
worlds of entertainment, community service and politics--as well
as in private life.
- The five keys to making a perfect first
impression--political events, speeches, interviews, even
meeting your new in-laws!
- Reading body language: who does it right, wrong and
how to learn to speak it fluently!
- How fashion trends reflect underlying changes in
current corporate culture: Casual Fridays, what's coming
next and what it all means.
"I can make any trend understandable--by showing you its human
"Let me offer practical solutions to take consumers, businesses
and professionals across the bridge to success"
Jennifer Maxwell Parkinson
Talking, Maury Povich Show, Hard Copy, NHK-TV, BBC Radio and
PRINT: The New York Times, Newsweek, Working Woman, Wall
Street Journal, Family Circle, Brides, Working Mother, NY Woman
Magazine, Cosmopolitan, TV Guide, McCalls, Glamour, Forbes, USA
Today and others...