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Grady Harp -- Top 100 Amazon Book Reviewer
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Grady Harp -- Top 100 Amazon Book Reviewer
Wilmington, DE United States
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Grady Harp -- Top 100 Amazon Book Reviewer

Dr. Grady Harp is a man of many pursuits. Having careers as a doctor, a conductor, a producer and critic of music, an art exhibition advisor, a writer, and most recently a book reviewer, Harp has worn multiple different hats throughout his life. Harp's passions and gained knowledge have earned him a highly respected status in many fields and much success. At this point in his life, Harp has become a prominent reviewer for Amazon in their Top 100 Hall of Fame of reviewers.

Hall of Fame Reviewer

Now that he has retired from medicine, Harp writes articles for art magazines and reviews books. Due to Harp's frequent and extensive reviews receiving a high number of votes by users, Harp was once a Top Ten Amazon reviewer and was awarded the distinction of being a Top 100 Hall of Fame Reviewer for Amazon. Having written over 3,500 reviews, Harp was recognized as a top reviewer because of his consistency, helpfulness and trustworthiness. Despite his rank and good standing, Amazon has arbitrarily pulled Harp's reviews from their platform and he has been fighting to recover them for almost a year now.

The Bottom Line

Dr. Grady Harp is a well-rounded, esteemed, and credible book critic whose insightful reviews are helpful to Amazon customers and sellers. Harp deserves to be reestablished as a reviewer on Amazon.