Home > NewsRelease > Top of Mind Thursday – November 30, 2023: Thanks for the Memories
Top of Mind Thursday – November 30, 2023: Thanks for the Memories
Linda Popky - Leverage2Market Associates, Inc. Linda Popky - Leverage2Market Associates, Inc.
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: San Francisco, CA
Friday, December 1, 2023


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In a time when most commercials are less than 30 seconds—with some only 10 or 15 seconds—Chevrolet hits the mark with a long-form sentimental holiday video about the power of memory.

The video walks us through a holiday gathering where Grandma’s deteriorating mental condition puts a damper on the celebration—until one of her grandchildren uncovers the old Chevy truck in the garage and takes Grandma for a ride that triggers old memories and brings her back to the family for a short while.

Will this video sell Chevy trucks? Maybe, maybe not. But in a world with escalating political conflict, two ongoing wars, massive polarization, and just general nastiness, it was nice to watch a heartwarming story and remember a less antagonistic time.

Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie, and Chevrolet. Those were the days.

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Growing Groups into Teams is available now in hardcover($27.99), paperback ($19.99), and eBook ($9.99) formats. Learn more and download a free chapter at http://growinggroupsintoteams.com.

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Altus Growth Partners is a global consulting and coaching firm working with leaders and teams to become more collaborative, effective, inclusive, and productive. Learn more about Altus at http://altusgrowthpartners.com.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Linda Popky
Title: President
Group: Leverage2Market Associates
Dateline: Redwood Shores, CA United States
Direct Phone: 650 281-4854
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