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Tis the Season to be Jolly… stressful! Humor tips for the holidays.
David M. Jacobson - LCSW -- Expert on Leadership, Humor & Health David M. Jacobson - LCSW -- Expert on Leadership, Humor & Health
Tucson, AZ
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

David M Jacobson 1968
You think you know Santa? Well, according to my sources, he's been fighting depression for years. Does that stop him from delivering all those gifts? No! He's been on anti depressants for years and constantly reads funny books to keep cheery. Yes, we all have holiday stress, but it doesn't have to rule us.

How feel you? People ask you how you are, but not really how you feel. Take some time to think about how you're feeling and why? What are you telling yourself? If you're stressed, it's probably because you thinking stressful thoughts. Are you even aware that this is what you're doing? "How much money do I owe?" "How much is it compared to thinking about it yesterday?" "How much time should I plan on thinking about it tomorrow?" When you really think as little deeper about this you may begin to see how silly it is. Here are some tips to help you get through the holidays.

1. Acknowledge how you feel: If you and your family are dealing with loss, or financial problems or health problems, discuss how you feel, or give yourself permission to have a good cry, if needed, let it out and then you'll have more room for laughter. Humor has a tendency to fill empty spaces if you let it.

2. Do unto others. Helping others can help you with the holiday blues. Think of some humorous ways to lift someone else up, you'll rise right along with them. A funny note or card, a prank or silly gift. A funny story or memory to share.

3. Do something entertaining: take some time to do something fun that you and your family really enjoy. Or take time out and soak in a hot bath, light incense and candles, dim the lights and put on some music. Reading a humorous book can be relaxing. I suggest "The 7 ½ Habits of Highly Humorous People" or something similar. Not just because I wrote it either.

4. Laugh. There are tons of funny holiday movies, books, audios. Money is no object, that's what libraries are for!

5. Optimism. Give yourself a break. Make a promise to yourself that for one day you will look for the positive side of everything that happens that day. Catch yourself when negatives thoughts try to take over. Have an army of humor thoughts floating around ready to attack the negative thoughts. Perhaps you can carry a list of one liners or funny thoughts you can pull put of your pocket and read when the negative ones attack.

There are so many possibilities I bet you could come up with some of your own.

Next time you feel stressed. Look at yourself in the mirror. Stick your tongue out and smile!

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Name: David M. Jacobson, MSW
Title: President
Group: Humor Horizons
Dateline: Tucson, AZ United States
Direct Phone: 520-982-6868
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Cell Phone: 520-982-6868
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