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Mask Mandates Immediately
Dr. Robert Reuschlein, Empire and Climate Expert Dr. Robert Reuschlein, Empire and Climate Expert
Madison, WI
Saturday, October 31, 2020


Mask Mandate

As soon as Biden becomes president elect and controls the Senate, he can promise a relief package to cities and states based on the condition that those receiving aid must institute a mask requirement in their jurisdiction and do prompt testing contact and tracing to determine who needs to quarantine for fourteen days.  These two underutilized public health tools are just what the Trump regime has been avoiding because Trump thinks testing and mask wearing make him look bad.  These can be done immediately with the promise to make them retroactive to election day.  Waiting until January 20th would cost hundreds of thousands of lives.  Acting presidential immediately will fill the void left by the Trump regime's stubborn resistance against using these powerful and basic tools to fight the virus.  We cannot afford to wait.

Truth and Reconciliation Commission

The long list of obstruction of justice, abuse of power, and other Trump family crimes could be prosecuted or in the name of mercy hearings could be held instead, but only if Republicans are contrite.  If they are not contrite, the racketeering laws should be used against the postmaster general, attorney general, and others guilty of obstruction of laws and obstruction of voting or voter intimidation.  New laws must be written to prevent or discourage such abuses in the future.  Future presidential bad behavior must be discouraged and the ridiculous Justice provision of not allowing presidents to be charged with crimes must end.  Some court should probably decide whether such charges should wait until the president is out of office or not.  Every Senate impeachment trial has become so partisan that that constitutional tool is useless except in the Nixon case.  That was such an innocent time and place long ago.

Foreign Election Involvement

Despite dozens of contacts with Russians in Trump's first election the Mueller Report could not "prove" collusion.  Yet the Republican Senate Intelligence Committee's bipartisan report of 1000 pages did find such collusion.  It is obvious that Manafort's 75 pages of campaign information along with the key targeted states of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania helped the collusion significantly.  One University of Wisconsin researcher found that 20,000 Facebook accounts with Trump were coordinated with 4000 Facebook accounts of Russian origin.  The same material went out at the same time over all 24,000 combined accounts many times during the campaign. Roger Stone was a key link, but not the only one.  Trump kept choosing to believe Putin over US intelligence agencies and the FBI.  Russian disinformation is actively distributed to other Republican Senators by Homeland Security chair Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin.  Giuliani has used lots of Russian disinformation, before and after the Impeachment.  Black voters in key states were targeted to discourage their voting in 2016.  The seven Trump phone calls to Putin from March to July were probably about collusion for this year 2020.


Just as four years of lowering military spending from 2012-2015 had 25% higher job growth than the Trump first three military buildup years, the manufacturing recession of 2016 was a direct result of the small military buildup in 2016 by Obama.  Then there was a burst of manufacturing jobs when the Trump tax cut began in 2018, followed by the trade war with China causing a new manufacturing recession in late 2019 and the first quarter of 2020 before the coronavirus infected New York in the second quarter, as 127,000 lives were lost in that second quarter while the shut down reduced the economy 9.5% and opening up added 7% of the economy back in the third quarter.  This still leaves an unemployment rate of 7.9% that is mainly affecting the lower half of the job market.

Mitch McConnell

The Senate Republican Leader falls in the tradition of Reagan, Gingrich, McConnell, and Trump.  Each of these made major changes on the road to deepening empire and gridlock.  Reagan created the almost tax-free rich that has quadrupled their incomes over 40 years while the middle class had no gains, so he created oligarchy.  Gingrich took back the House from 40 years of Democratic control in 1994.  Mitch McConnell ruined the Senate by abusing the filibuster blocking anything Obama including judges.  Then he stole a stole two Supreme Court seats in 2016 and 2020.  Trump is destroying the Republican Party.  Mitch McConnell is the worst of the four.  Forbearance is necessary for democracy to last, and Mitch McConnell refused to allow normal government to proceed.  Instead of forbearance, Mitch sought extreme obstruction. So much for the presidential honeymoon.

Nature of the Empire Society:


Please cite this work as follows:  Reuschlein, Robert. (2020, October 31), "Mask Mandates Immediately" Madison, WI, Real Economy Institute.  Retrieved from:  https://www.expertclick.com/NewsRelease/Mask-Mandates-Immediately,2020237977.aspx

Dr. Peace, Professor Robert Reuschlein, Real Economy Institute, Nobel Peace Prize nominee 2016-2020 with accelerating interest from Norway.  Intense interest in a consistently growing pattern that shows up on my website as following my work, daily hard looks per year have gone from 2 to 3 to 48 to 128 to 200.

Contact: bobreuschlein@gmail.com  

Info: www.realeconomy.com

News Media Interview Contact
Name: Dr. Robert W. Reuschlein
Title: Economics Professor
Group: Real Economy Institute
Dateline: Madison, WI United States
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