Home > NewsRelease > IMC USA Consult-Con 2020 -- November 6 & 7, 2020
IMC USA Consult-Con 2020 -- November 6 & 7, 2020
Institute of Management Consultants USA (IMC USA) Institute of Management Consultants USA (IMC USA)
North Palm Beach, FL
Monday, August 3, 2020


IMC USA Consult-Con 2020 This 2-day virtual conference includes cutting-edge keynote speakers, workshops, interactive sessions, awards ceremony and breaks for networking with colleagues. All from the convenience of your computer or device! Plus, session recordings will be available for registraion.





About the Institute of Management Consultants

Founded in 1968, IMC USA exists to promote excellence and ethics in management consulting. It does so by providing online and in-person professional learning and a community platform where consultants can connect with each other and build their practices in order to deliver transformative value for their clients. The nonprofit IMC USA is a charter member of the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes (ICMCI), a 50-nation body that sets global standards for competence, professionalism and ethics for management consultants. IMC USA is the only U.S. entity to provide certification for individual management consultants and management consulting firms which conforms to the international standards of the ICMCI. IMC USA has offered an annual conference, now called Consult-Con, for consultants for over 50 years.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Margie Hanson
Title: Marketing Chair
Group: Institute of Management Consultants USA (IMC USA)
Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Main Phone: 800-793-4992
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