Monday, October 27, 2014
Three ways for you to send us full page ads:
1) Follow the full instructions below to create final to spec.
2) Send us a Microsoft word document with images and text inserted for us to finish.
3) Send us all parts, and we can assemble:
a. Headline
b. One or two photos
c. Block of text
d. Contact information.
Here are the specs if you would like your team to create final.
We've built this web page so you can get help in getting your Advertisement ready for the Yearbook of Experts, Authorities & Spokespersons. You can create a PDF from many programs from both IBM and MAC formats. Some programs are QuarkXpress and Ventua. There are a variety of PDF generation software solutions.
Your ad needs to come to us in Adobe PDF format for we make your ad available in print, on-line and via LexisNexis. The Adobe PDF is the most compatible format for viewers and also we are able to include the same exact original in the printed Yearbook.
1) The page size is to be 6 3/4" wide and 9 1/2" tall. -- No margins please.
Sorry, no bleeds, we use the rest of the page for a header, footer and page number. Please do not put any marks on the page, our automated production system reads everything on you page when placing what you send us into your available space.
2) Your full page ad will also be visible on the internet, so you can make your URL links hot. For the printed book it will be assembled as a Tif, so in the Adobe PDF version of the Yearbook the links will not be hot, so please do not say "click here" next to any of the links.
3) Leave the margins clear. That is do not put any marks in the margins, as we will be putting headers and footers in those spaces.
4) The PDF should be created in BLACK AND WHITE, as the book will be printed in black and white and you are purchasing a black and white advertisement. Do not send a color PDF. If you are starting with color photo, please convert the color photo to black and white before you insert it into the advertisement. We've seen color photos be muddy when converted as part of a color page to a black and white page.
5) IMPORTANT: Please make sure your Acrobat Distiller setting is on PRESS optimized, before your create your PDF. This ensures all fonts will be embedded and your images will be high res.
6) The yearbook is a shared resource, and due to production needs your final image may not be larger than 900 KB. You may need to reduce the size of graphics introduced into your listing prior to creating the ad to meet this spec. This spec is based on the fact that 85% of the initial ads presented to us were smaller than 900 KB, while the 15% of ads that were over in size used more resources than the other 85% of the ads.
We always show the ad to be published linked to your profile, so you always know the exact PDF that is scheduled for publication.