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Absofacto - Music
Rych McCain Media Syndication  and Rych McCain Black Youth Self-Esteem Workshops Rych McCain Media Syndication and Rych McCain Black Youth Self-Esteem Workshops
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Los Angeles, CA
Wednesday, December 14, 2022


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Absofacto - Music 

Rych McCain International/Nationally Syndicated Entertainment Columnist

Top Hollywood Influencer






Photo by Elinor Kry, Design by Jacqueline Kulla


      The platinum-certified Los Angeles-based artist,producer and creator, Absofacto (Jonathan Visger), hasuncovered a whole new world – NITESHIFT, a multidimensional,ongoing experience which will consist of a series of singles, visuals, films,interactive elements, and much more. The first piece to be revealed is VIBETIL I DIE,” which features love-Sadkid and Limbo andwas mixed by Jeff Ellis (Frank Ocean, Joji, Omar Apollo) –available now at all DSPs and streaming services HERE. The piece released alongside a stunningcinematic video created by Jacqueline Kulla and Absofacto – watch it.

Absofacto   "Vibe Til I Die"



      “NITESHIFT is for people who want to feelchallenged and discover something truly new for themselves,” Absofacto shared. “Yes,it’s a literal place… but it’s also a puzzle, a mystery, a community, and atool for expanding your horizons in every way. Stories on stories.Discoveries on discoveries. It’s about immersing yourself in the infinite depthof being alive. The scope of it will become apparent over time, and it canactually transform your perspective on the world around you. As human beings onEarth, we all have the same confusing experience of being born into a structurewe didn’t design and having to make sense of the world around us. We wonder, ‘Whatdirection are we supposed to go in? What are we supposed to value? Why are weeven here?’ Within NITESHIFT, you get to embrace that mystery and search foranswers for yourself.”

    Absofactoinitially achieved global impact with the platinum hit “Dissolve,” tallying half-a-billion streams and paving theway for future fan favorite singles such as “Someone Else’s Dream.” Even as hisprofile rose, he had the unshakable feeling that there was a much deeperpursuit to go on, especially in the final hours of the day before sleep when adeluge of visions flooded his mind. From here, the door to NITESHIFT came intofocus. And now we are all invited to step inside and begin our own journeysinto the mysterious depths.

2022 Rych McCain Media/Syndication TM

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