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How to make sure your meetings/events reflect your company's multiple cultures and age groups?
This is for a November 2009 feature on diversity for Corporate & Incentive Travel, a monthly B2B magazine targeted to meeting planning professionals.
05/19/2009 11:39 AM
Fortunately, or unfortunately, your meetings and events will reflect your culture, whether you want it to or not. The real question is whether the culture it reflects is the one you think you have.

If a business is finding that its meetings or events are not reflective of what it thinks of as its culture, then it needs to stop and ask itself some questions:

What values/beliefs/assumptions are being reflected in our events?

What does that tell us about ourselves?

What do we think our values/beliefs/assumptions are?

What would a meeting/event have to look like in order to reflect those aspects of our culture?

How can we design such an event?

How will we know if we were successful?

If we're not, what's getting in the way?

Post your answer to this question

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