You'll be in Good Company.

International Platform Association welcomes: After-dinner Speakers, Artists, Authorities, Authors, Celebrities, Coaches, Comedians, Connoisseurs, Consiglieres, Consultants, Curmudgeons, Debators, Educators, Emcees, Entertainers, Experts, Facilitators, Humorists, Instructors, Journalists, Keynoters, Lecturers, Magicians, Motivators, Mouthpieces, Musicians, Opera Singers, Orators, Politicians, Professors, Promoters, Rhetoricians, Speakers, Speaker Bureau Execs, Speechmakers, Spokespersons, Storytellers, Teachers, TedX Speakers, Thought-leaders, Trainers, Vaudeville Tribute Actors, Virtuosos, Wizards, and Writers.

International Platform Association History:

The International Platform Association is one of America's first associations. Founded as the American Lyceum Association in 1831 by statesman Daniel Webster and educator Josiah Holbrook, it has been the market place for speakers for almost two centuries. Much has changed over the years, from the invention of the Telegraph to the rise of YouTube. The lyceum movement of town hall-like buildings for sharing education changed with the Chautauqua movement of traveling tent shows.

Meetings have been held in Washington, D.C. since 1965. Speakers have included President Lyndon B. Johnson and Governor Nelson Rockefeller; Poet Carl Sandburg; Activists Jesse Jackson and Ralph Nader; and Secretaries of State Daniel Webster and Henry Kissinger.

Today, Platform continues as an extraordinary and unique publicity tool for hundreds of speakers with web profiles and the organization's annual meeting. The corporate sponsor for the association is Broadcast Interview Source, Inc.: publisher of The Yearbook of Experts, Authorities & Spokespersons and the expert referral website:

Benefits of International Platform Association Membership:

1) You get a Platform page that includes all your social media including:
* Twitter showing your tweets live.
* YouTube with your best videos.

2) You get search engine optimization benefits with inbound links from your Platform page to your website.

3) You can get a 15% discount on upgrade to our partner site:

See a sample of Jeffery Gitomer's Platform page here:

Register on-line below or if you prefer to register by phone, or have questions, call us at (202) 333-5000 or e-mail to

Quotes from Speakers with great results:

'The Wall Street Journal called me from the Yearbook: their story about my marketing boot camp resulted in speaking offers.' - Arnold Sanow, MBA, CSP

'The Today Show, Inside Edition, ESPN, MSNBC & CNN' - Lauren J. Fix, Automotive Consultant/Expert

'I got an email from a New York Times writer assigned to check out Munchausen's Syndrome, who said every time he did a search on Lexis, my news releases were the first seen.' - Barbara Bryan, National Child Abuse and Resource Center.

'I use it to send out my email newsletter.' - Alan Weiss.

'Business Week, AP, Fox News, Bloomberg Radio from one news release.' - Paul Dickson, Author

'Inside Edition, MSNBC, Parenting Magazine, Child Magazine, The Boston Globe & Oprah' - Debra Holtzman, Child Safety Expert

'Rush Limbaugh, and dozens of other outlets picked up my story' - Michael Levine, Hollywood Publicist

'World News Tonight, NPR, CBS Radio & CNN.' - Professor Doug McCabe, Labor Expert, Georgetown University.

'Significantly increased our media calls, national networks, outstanding results.' - Mark Rosenker, Electronic Industries Association.

Note about testimonials. Your results may differ. These results are based on interest in specific topics.

Membership is $165 a year.

Participant Information
(Whom the listing will be about)
The International Platform Association welcomes bona fide speakers & news sources.

We reserve the right to decline listings that we, in our sole opinion, are not of interest to our visitors, or inimical to the interests of our members.


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Please call (202) 333-5000, and we will be happy to help you apply by phone.
When you hit 'Create Your Platform Member Profile', we'll e-mail you a Login ID and password so you can come back and re-edit anytime.
--Mitchell P. Davis
CEO & Director General
International Platform Association
(202) 333-5000

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