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Christopher Bauer, Ph.D. -- Business Ethics Training
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Christopher Bauer, Ph.D. -- Business Ethics Training
Nashville, TN United States
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Christopher Bauer, Ph.D.
Nashville, TN
United States
Contact Phone: 615-385-3523
Cell Phone: 615-268-8726
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As a speaker, seminar leader and consultant, ethics expert Dr. Christopher Bauer helps individuals and companies make more ethically-informed decisions while maximizing their bottom line. Rather than focusing on the ethics code or ethics-related case law, Dr. Bauer's Bauer Ethics Seminars teach individuals and companies how to more effectively take responsibility for truly 'walking the talk' of ethical behavior. His programs do this by leaving the broad, academic concepts behind and focusing on where the rubber really meets the road - how and why people make the behavioral choices they do and how they can learn to constantly be making better, more ethically-attuned decisions.

Though his primary focus is on helping companies improve their ethics while accelerating their growth, his expertise and unique approach have immediate and significant implications for the improvement of management and oversight in general. After all, common sense tells us that better decision-making skills will significantly contribute to building better companies.

As a clinical psychologist with more than twenty-five years of clinical and consulting experience, Dr. Bauer brings a unique perspective to ethics training and consulting. He really knows what makes people tick and brings a wealth of first hand experience to the table. He has seen how individuals can learn to manage matters of ethics more effectively - and manage in general! His training and experience equip him to provide unique commentary and analysis.

Dr. Bauer provides training to as many as thirty organizations each year, has written articles for a wide range of print and on-line publications, and has been quoted in such diverse journals as Internal Auditor, TaxPro, Chief Executive, Medical Economics, and many others.