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Is this a good time by a new car?
There is so much conflicting info out there, too much inventory, prices falling soon, car dealers in trouble, what is the true state of the dealer in relation to car makers.
11/26/2023 04:50 PM
You seem to be asking which car maker -- right? One of the best ways to decide on the maker is sort of simple? Do you trust them, to maintain the brand. There has been lots of news in makers bringing out new models at lower price that create real push downward in retail prices. I suggest you look at the value based on what the used cars from that brand. Honda and Toyota do well. Tesla has been a bummer. Also maybe you don't need to buy with judicious use of Zipcar, Uber and Turo. Once you add insurance and parking the results can really change. I paid more for parking then I did for car and the insurance for my last car.
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